Growing in Grace

March 31st, 2015|

Because you deserve more love, not less...I AM dedicating this to  those of You who have paved the way for the All of US now to create heaven on earth-just for the hell of it! There aren't enough words for my gratitude to my family, friends, and community for having the courage and taking this amazing and magnificent journey that is awakening and bringing forth more love, light, health, peace and bliss.  Know you are amazing, magnificent and perfect - you have greatness within you just the way you are... I wanted to let you know that for the new Humanity we are waking up to the fact that contrary to what you may of thought before, you are not the cause of anything you see!  How wonderful is that news?  Take pause and know that in each moment whatever is arising is yet another opportunity for you to expand [...]

With every breathe you take …love You!

March 31st, 2015|

When an interest in being in your own authentic Truth exceeds any interest in blame, expectation, or any form of comparison, it is an sign from the universe that life has successfully prepared you for your soul's true journey-you are ready to live your deeper destiny. We cannot shift anything without changing the internal vibrational source from within. When you realize this, and start to make time to love yourself more than anything that comes up in your life, that is all you will need for true liberation to occur.  When we are enveloped by our own love and loving ourselves becomes a priority we will not have to create all the distractions that keep us from the vibration of Love. Life will keep giving you the same experiences until we change.  As long as we keep focusing on anything outside of love i.e. worry, fear, doubt, regret, etc. the [...]

Whatever is coming up, love that!

March 16th, 2015|

Mystic and spiritual teacher, Matt Kahn, writes, “Everyone deserves to be loved, adored, and cherished - especially during a time like this.” Everywhere I go, everything that is coming up is letting me know it time to wake up now and not keep succumbing to being lost in this dream. We have all heard and sang the song, “Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream" – reminding us that this so called reality is just a dream. Supposedly, we all know this at the deepest part of our being that in actuality, we are Angels who have come here to expand, grow and become initiated while learning that we deserve more love, light and beauty here on Earth. The great news is now it's time for that journey to end and a new one to begin. We no longer have to go through life as a prisoner of [...]

A Call for Love

February 23rd, 2015|

Our world is at a turning point. It is requiring all of us to do what we have came here to do. When you align with your deeper purpose/destiny and moreover achieve that, you will be living the life you were born to live - your ideal life, reaping and manifesting abundant health, unconditional love, infinite prosperity and ageless beauty – all that is your birthright. Today, ask yourself, what do I value deeply? This is a time when many of us are being incredibly challenged and are figuring out what we stand for most. Since many of us having gone through so much we are now ready to establish a different belief system and begin living our life on a grander scale as authentically and wholeheartedly as possible. We are here to flourish in every area of our life. And, to the degree we can open up to receive [...]

The Best is Yet to Come

January 12th, 2015|

Congratulations! Welcome to the fifth dimension where everything seems surreal. We have come so far and have done so much. We have been waiting for our 'get out of jail' cards to be free and now we are at the precipice and have been given the keys. I want to remind you that we have shifted the collected consciousness. Thank you All for your practice and for being the Torch Bearers and bringing this new heart-centered consciousness for the rest of world to experience. Now more than ever is the time to know that we deserve more love, not less.  It is essential to learn to be gentle, loving and compassionate with yourself.  To know that no matter what is going on, everything you are doing is clearing out all judgments  so we can remove them from the collective consciousness. This year 2015, is the window of opportunity where the [...]


January 5th, 2015|

Our approaching year (2015) adds up numerologically to and contains the qualities of the consciousness of the number (8). However, it’s not just a normal or regular number (8), but one that will produce a blockbuster year that will be remembered for many eons to come (which I will explain later). For all of us it will be a matter of using the energies of this (8) Universal Year to transform our thinking, emotions and perception of reality as well as the standards and qualities of our personal and unified global consciousnesses (which, unfortunately are presently very conflicted, negative and most certainly desperate). The year (2015) is shaping up to be a real blockbuster (or should I say ego buster) sort of year that will directly impact and become transformational for all of humanity on a physical and spiritually alchemical level referred to above. One thing is probable, we may [...]

The Power of Prayer

December 8th, 2014|

What I AM about to share with you today is the Power of Prayer. Many of us never took it seriously as a spiritual discipline since that very few of us have ever been taught how to pray, not to mention knowing the incredible mystical transformative power within this great spiritual tool!

The Divine Mystery of Love…

December 1st, 2014|

In the last few months many of us have undertaken a deep and at times very challenging ride and now we are finding the courage to once again fully show up even more brilliant, brighter, bigger than ever before...

Courage is the Way

November 17th, 2014|

The heart is the very core of our being. When we stay unselfishly in our heart center and give for the sake of giving (rather than to get something in return) we open a channel for Grace and so much more. The more loving we are the more the world mirrors back that loving kindness. No wonder the aim of all spiritual practices is love!

The Power to Heal Yourself…

November 10th, 2014|

People often wonder what is humility.  Some of the definitions for Humility are: A humbleness or a quality of being courteously respectful to others or the opposite of aggressiveness, arrogance and vanity. Humility is having a clear perspective and respect for one's place. With humility, we accept our place as one among many others. When we recognize that we are no more important than those others we approach even the most menial tasks joyfully. We accept that we are only here to be of service in this great creation. According to Andrew Harvey, “humility is the beginning and the middle and the end of the evolutionary path. There are no gurus or masters on the evolutionary path for the simple reason that there is no end to evolution." "A great Sufi mystic was wandering by the sea one day and he met an old beggar woman who by the shining [...]

On the Road Again…

October 20th, 2014|

In the world of Tarot one of the meanings of the Chariot card is a conveyance of a person who's stalled and who's stuck not realizing they have the power to move forward. Another point of view is that the Chariot symbol is a way of discovering staying present in the moment. It is a doorway for you to make a decision and move on knowing whatever direction you choose the outcome will be victorious.

Becoming Divine

October 13th, 2014|

There is a reason that YOU were born during this period of Humanity! From where I AM standing we are living in the most fascinating of times. It's an extraordinary gift to be alive so we can deeply experience this amazing evolution towards becoming A Divine Human Being.