Matter Meets Mystery…

January 8th, 2018|

Happy New Year! There is an incredible potential and excitement for great change to take place for us in 2018. All that's required is that we do the work! So let's make an agreement to create the most wonderful, prosperous and beautiful and New Year ever! Let this truly be a wonderful and a dynamic New Beginning, for all of US to shine our Light as never before and to serve ourselves and humanity in the greatest way possible. It's past time in 2018 to move beyond watching and wishing - into living out our own creative genius. The Zen teacher, Jon Bernie wrote, “Transformation requires openness and vulnerability. For anything to open and grow, it has to be flexible. To become liberated, we must be willing to let go of who we think we are. It’s that simple. “Who we think we are” is what we believe — all [...]

Returning to Joy

December 18th, 2017|

This has been a most incredible year. A year full of dissolution, adjustment, change and expansion. I am not sure about you; however, I felt like I use to belong somewhere and now I feel like I am alone in the wilderness having no GPS to navigate the journey ahead. Moreover, in the absence of feeling like you belonged somewhere and now feeling nowhere I learned there can be great suffering Moreover, we are at a time where everything that we do affects everything else. So how do I stay at a higher vibration and find our joy again when it feels like I am skating on thin ice? It is becoming more challenging to stay present, mindful while still feeling the uncertainty of our new world. It has become increasingly clear that the only way to function shall now evolve by choices of the heart and not by trying [...]

You Are the Gift

December 4th, 2017|

Oh, what a week! On Tuesday, December 5th, Chiron turns direct at 24 Pisces square Saturn to begin his slow approach to crossing the Aries Point in Spring 2018. Chiron stations are pivotal days and this one is alchemised by Mercury retrograde on the GC square the Shaman centaur. Between now and December 21st, refuse to drop back into old 3D patterns of wounding or victim mentality and instead recognize just how little hold the past now has on you and how far you’ve moved on from working on yourself. To heed to the astrology report created by Lorna Bevan above the most healing and pivotal words are “refuse to drop back into old 3D patterns of wounding.” In a nutshell, this is our work to observe whatever’s coming up in our thoughts and emotions like clouds passing through the sky - to just observe them. We’re here to be [...]

It’s a New Day – It’s a New Dawn

November 27th, 2017|

Blessings to everyone. As we are approaching the end of 2017, one of the most incredible, mystical, challenging and magical years, many of us are holding the vision of a feeling of a re-newed self-confidence regardless of all the outer world dramas. Today, I invite all of you to get on-board that no matter what is happening in your life, whatever seems hopeless and no matter how much you doubt yourself or others, don't give up the ship! Even though all of us may be feeling exhausted, at the same time I feel that we are all dreaming of the infinite possibilities that awaits us all. The miracles of what is to become as we and Planet Earth are being reformed are infinite! We are learning to feel more joy again! As a new spiral of evolution begins our bodies continue to be re-calculated from the inside out…from the frequencies [...]

Finding Freedom…

October 23rd, 2017|

If you aren't one of the forty million of us that admit to experiencing anxiety, know how truly fortunate you are. If you are able to find peace and tranquility without having to commit to a rigorous routine of yoga classes, two or three a day meditations, breath work, mindfulness mantras and workouts at the gym to experience just a modicum of peace, count yourself one of the lucky ones.  If you don't have to get to an event before everyone else, or have to be at the airport hours before the actual time of departure or just having to get to a meeting with a friend or colleague hours before because of the obsessive task master voice in your head that is constantly driving you forward, faster and faster count yourself lucky. Anxiety is not for the faint of heart.  I know this because I have been a nervous [...]

Getting to Know the New You

September 4th, 2017|

Are you feeling this massive shift from the eclipse? From all my research I conducted shows that the message for September is renewal. Something is being asked of all of us. To be willing to write a new story. A story with you having a higher expression of who you thought you were. To create a new story line of want you want to experience your life regardless of how you expected it to be. So stay close to your core. Trust more than ever knowing in each moment you are choosing your reality through each thought and intention. In this new paradigm it’s okay to feel shaky, not knowing anymore with any certainly what will be, will be. To bear witness that life is not exactly turning out the way you thought it would. While also knowing it can be far greater than you ever thought! One of the [...]

Re-writing our Stories

August 28th, 2017|

Oh, what a week. For many of us who are experiencing and still lingering and integrating the energies of the tail gate end of the eclipse, more than ever it is essential to have more self-care for ourselves. The eclipse has brought in energies, downloads and up-levelings that we have never known before and may linger on in the up and coming months so we can re-set, re-calibrate and realign with our higher more authentic selves. And, to create the backdrop for us to rewrite our stories. As Loren Beven wrote, “Coming to the end of your own path, and it is just the beginning of the greater way. The heart must open. The infinite must be born inside. The destiny - necessity is there - so much karmic backlog. So many ways to be right and to be wrong.” Now is the time for us to know that this [...]

Look at US Now!

August 21st, 2017|

“What it brings is a sober reminder of how little we know and even less understand about the actuality of the process of waking up which demands realignment of all bodily systems to function in a totally different set of circumstances often unleashed by major impact of awakening.” Igor Kufayev What an honor it is to be here and experience this metamorphic phase of our journey. As we all continue on our hero's journey know that this is the day we have all been waiting for. According to Hare in the Moon Astrology, "There has been so much anticipation, drama and hype around today’s Solar Eclipse that many people are expecting a blinding flash of a light to transport us all instantly into a shiny new world of peace and love. But it’s a New Moon in Leo which means it’s initiatory, seeding events that will float like dandelion clocks [...]

Your Path to Find Joy…

August 14th, 2017|

Last Monday’s eclipse helped tune us into an even higher creative intelligence than ever before. Now we can switch from our old self to a new future self and follow the synchronicity trail by making quantum leaps in consciousness , breaking through the cobwebs of stagnation and passivity. Nothing remotely like this in our reality has ever happened. Everything up until now was sensed through our 5 sensory perceptions. Now something huge has happened as we are becoming super-humans. We are moving beyond the limitations of the 5 senses and we have another sensory system at play. Congratulations! We have been up-graded and are now multi-sensory. It changes the whole playing field. It changes everything. It changes the way we perceive our world. As we become multi sensory (and you wouldn't be reading this if you weren't), we are more than our minds or our bodies. We are becoming immortal, [...]

Anything Goes…

August 9th, 2017|

There is a magnificent life knocking at the door waiting to be expressed through you. There is a Cole Porter song titled 'Anything Goes'. That is exactly the flavor for this month. This magnificent life that awaits us all is tied to us stepping into our power knowing we finally deserve to have the experience we were born to live - for all of us to experience the superhuman beings we truly are. Right here, right now! This is it. It is about trusting that the perfect storm is ready to help us to manifest what we have come here to experience. Everything is lined up to serve us. We only have to show up and say 'Yes' to ourselves and taking on that we are that which we seek! You are the creator itself, the director of the experience, the producer of your life. Now more than ever we [...]

Loving Whatever Comes Up…

August 9th, 2017|

July is going out with a lion's roar, bringing a big wave of momentum and a fiery power that is building up the tension for the eclipse tunnel to the new moon solar eclipse on August 21. All the masters are joining forces chiming in to let us know that this is a very important time as we head into August and the eclipse on the 21st. One of the biggest challenges that were here to face is being our most authentic self and to leaving all our “stuff” behind. Naturally, with the universes sense of humor many of us are facing difficulties just being our own self! Whether through families, friends or finances we are facing the challenge of self-acceptance in its most dynamic form. Consequently, up until now anytime we are at a fork in the road many of us chose what others have wanted us to do. [...]

The Energy of Miracles…

August 9th, 2017|

We are all on our own hero's journey. Every thought is a choice to choose either a grievance or a miracle. To triumph over negativity, know that a miracle is just a change in perceptive - it is transforming energy. Moreover, for us to keep the flow going in our lives it is essential that we know what energies we are holding on to. In order to allow anything new to manifest, we first must let go of the old relic/pattern/habit we are holding on to. In The Book of Truth, a channeled text, the Guides write, “The moment you decide that something can change, you have shifted the frequency of the thing. The moment that thing is shifted, it can be lifted in higher resonance to be manifested as changed. Once you decide to move beyond the known, to something new, change is possible. The potent nature of such [...]