Last Monday’s eclipse helped tune us into an even higher creative intelligence than ever before. Now we can switch from our old self to a new future self and follow the synchronicity trail by making quantum leaps in consciousness , breaking through the cobwebs of stagnation and passivity.

Nothing remotely like this in our reality has ever happened. Everything up until now was sensed through our 5 sensory perceptions. Now something huge has happened as we are becoming super-humans. We are moving beyond the limitations of the 5 senses and we have another sensory system at play. Congratulations! We have been up-graded and are now multi-sensory. It changes the whole playing field. It changes everything. It changes the way we perceive our world. As we become multi sensory (and you wouldn’t be reading this if you weren’t), we are more than our minds or our bodies. We are becoming immortal, eternal and forever. It is much different than the old paradigm of who we thought we were. Our experiences are not merely random or chance. Now we are beginning to perceive everything differently. Our understanding of things changes. Our understanding of relationships, community, family, and on and on it goes. New energies are pummeling earth in depths we have not experienced in this lifetime. These energies are a result of our requests so that we are rapidly becoming that which we worked so diligently to become – beacons of light and love. To be a lighthouse for outrageous love.

We are now learning to listen to our heart’s intelligence rather than our minds. Everything we do is is here to help us to stand in our own authentic power. The old ways don’t work any more. There was a great quote I heard recently, “You don’t want to be with anyone who doesn’t support you supporting yourself!” As we leave the 3rd dimension behind and the dualistic world we are fast learning the old ways of interacting don’t work any longer. We can compare where we are now as if we were in the gestation period of a pregnancy. We are ready to give birth and it looks like the due date is next Monday, August 21st on the solar eclipse. We are giving birth to a new world and our intention and heart’s intelligence will determine what our newborn will manifest as. Your own courage, compassion and commitment to the birthing process will determine what you will be producing.

There is a hunger within all of us to live in the seat of our souls now and to manifest our deepest intention. We are all pioneers. We are in new territory. And once we detach ourselves from the comfort of staying on the fence and take that leap forward our inner fire will light up our world and we will no longer seek the safety of what is familiar. Rather we will jump off that precipice and fly!

We are living in extraordinary times. Many can feel it. The opportunity to get to know yourself as the divine spiritual being you are is unprecedented! And it means NOW really is the perfect time to become the powerful co-creator of a life you absolutely love.

The more we can come from our heart’s intelligence anchored in our Divine Self, the more we will learn how to master the skills within ourselves to navigate this new universe. All that is not aligned with Spirit will fall by the wayside to be replaced with higher conscious realities, relationships, experiences and love. Riding the waves of all the eclipses and new portals, whatever you desire to create in this new universe is yours for the asking. The more we can switch or shift our emotions (energy in motion), the easier it will be able to bring more wonder, magic, prosperity and balance into our lives.

The universe is calling you to mid-wife a new version of itself. We’re all being asked to show up and to be catalysts that will lead us to spiritual transformation – with our magic and limitless possibilities at our fingertips. This is holy work. The world is calling out for those of us who are passionate, courageous artists and who are aligned in the cosmic energy field of infinity and use their best to serve. A power force so strong who believe failure is not an option in creating a grand design. If you are one of the those beings called whether you know it or not you are contributing to the evolution of the planet. Use your creative genius and contribute to the collective consciousness with every thing you say, do and feel and help give birth to a new era on earth.

Know that you hold the possibility of possibilities within you. We are imbued the energy of the universe and it is up to us to express these gifts through ourselves into the world. As Sayana says, “Step into the awareness of Who and What you are as an eternal soul and you know there is nothing to fear.”

Moreover, wherever you are in any moment take inventory and ask yourself “am I fully present in this moment?” Are you moving so quickly, so fast, are you so preoccupied reading your latest text or listening to voice mails that you aren’t feeling the aliveness of just being here now. Whatever it is on any given day I invite you to learn to live fully, as if you are not missing a thing, eyes wide open and experience the Now! Only then will you open to the miraculous nature of your own being and truly experience the phenomenon of your life and how much it means to you. We were taught many things; however, we weren’t taught how to be here in this moment. Knowing that freedom is joy!

Just like in the song, “How could anyone ever tell us that we are less than whole. Fail to notice that our love is just a miracle. And how deeply we are connected in our souls. ” Let us all celebrate with the holy, the broken and the Hallelujah – We are the unique ecstatic, evolutionary orchestra for evolutionary change. There is no Me anymore. There is only We! And We are changing the world as we are discovering new ways of coming together. Reality recognizes us. Reality needs US! L’Chaim “to life!”

May your life be blessed with abundant love, infinite health, exalted blessings and divine grace as we travel forward together. I send you love. Live the best day ever as you take that quantum leap while cherishing the magic, the mystical and the magnificence of you. Today expand yourself to be available to give your gifts to the planetary awakening. There is nothing more profound that you can do! Expect a Miracle and know you are so loved.

What the world needs now is more Love…please join me in reciting this Prayer for Universal Healing by Howard Wills. Howard recommends 5 times in the morning, 5 times in the evening. Thank you.

Prayer for Universal Healing

God, for me, my family and all humanity

Throughout all time, past, present and future

Please help us all forgive each other

And forgive ourselves

Be at peace with each other

And be at peace with ourselves

Love each other and love ourselves

Now and forever

Please God, thank you God, Amen

We love you God, thank you for loving us

We love you God, thank you for loving us

We love you God, thank you for loving us

Thank you God, Amen, Amen, Amen

Thank you God, Amen