Oh, what a week! On Tuesday, December 5th, Chiron turns direct at 24 Pisces square Saturn to begin his slow approach to crossing the Aries Point in Spring 2018. Chiron stations are pivotal days and this one is alchemised by Mercury retrograde on the GC square the Shaman centaur.

Between now and December 21st, refuse to drop back into old 3D patterns of wounding or victim mentality and instead recognize just how little hold the past now has on you and how far you’ve moved on from working on yourself.

To heed to the astrology report created by Lorna Bevan above the most healing and pivotal words are “refuse to drop back into old 3D patterns of wounding.”

In a nutshell, this is our work to observe whatever’s coming up in our thoughts and emotions like clouds passing through the sky – to just observe them. We’re here to be able to transmute and transcend all the old 3D programming so we can bring more peace, love, tranquility and awareness into in each moment by transcending fear, anxiety or overwhelm through our intention by breathing in more compassion, more coherence and more ease. This is how we’re changing the paradigm. As we create a more refined story we tell ourselves that we can create whatever we choose. It’s just the work we have come here to do. Einstein said we can’t use the same consciousness that created the thought to change it – we need a different language. No more can we become lazy and sit on the sidelines with our consciousness. We have downloaded a completely different operating system and as such everything is being computed differently. Our new heart centered consciousness is opening not only our hearts but all the hearts we are graced to touch! Once we identify with the ego, we are determined and predictable. How then can we be free from the self-imposed limitations we trap ourselves into? How can we transform? How can we escape from ego bondage?

As the teacher Lisa Brown Transcendence wrote, “Who cares what a limited judgmental human thinks? Is this how you want to continue to give your power away and your LOVE FOR YOU too? Do you want to continue to JUDGE and play in the polarity of duality and non-love still? Or…. are you ready, truly ready to HONOR WHAT YOU FEEL finally, honor your body, honor your SOUL, honor your heart, honor what you came here to BE and DO with ALL OF YOUR RESPECT and LOVE for you? Living ON a 5th Dimensional Plane means LOVING YOURSELF FULLY and not allowing FEAR to rule your choices/decisions anymore. The 5th Dimension is the BEGINNING for all of the Magic & amazingness that is available, yet you are the ONE THAT HAS TO MAKE THOSE CHOICES TO STEP THROUGH THE PORTAL from INSIDE…. AND WALK THE PASSAGEWAY, complete the INITIATIONS presented to you every moment of every day and to pull away to ALLOW FOR SILENCE and your body to RAISE IT’S VIBRATION AGAIN. “

We are the miracles workers, here to embrace and to keep expecting Miracles. We are all connected to the miraculous and always remember that we are the extension of love ❤ itself.

“There could be no better time in history to finally get who you really are and what you are capable of”, writes Mike Dooley. That being said there has never been a more exciting time to be alive! All you have to do is direct your thinking to manifest your experience. We create our own reality, our own fate and our own luck! That is how miraculous, how powerful we truly are.

Moreover, As the new most powerful, conscious beings on this Planet, I hereby give you permission to do the holidays differently. To do it your way! Make conscious choices to be happier, to become more peaceful and to stay as grounded as possible. In other words be authentic which is the best gift you can give yourself and everyone around you! Remember, when you do the work everyone around you is up-lifted.