Finding the Way

January 18th, 2016|

I am not sure about you; however, for me it is taking more and more energy to make peace with the universe before I can even leave my condo in the morning. Since my practice may include at any moment complete acceptance of what I’m thinking and feeling it is no wonder that in any given moment I can feel pain, fear or euphoria. Or perhaps on a really challenging day feeling that I am so flawed and in need of a huge amount of fixing. No matter what though it is never the same and never dull. So even before going to bed the night before I say a little prayer so that I may wake up dreaming about being in the Amazon book store and not the jungle! No matter what seems to be happening I believe I need to create a field out there to amplify and [...]

Be Your Own Hero in the Strife

January 11th, 2016|

By now I am confident you have all buckled in knowing we’re all on a journey of a lifetime. It would be difficult not to see and feel that everything is accelerating and at a speed that it is difficult at times to keep up with. We are now in the midst of a global awakening that poses new potentials and more than ever it is imperative that we learn to use our collection powers for our evolution. Welcome Pioneers, for the path we are creating is taking us to places we have never gone before. There are no elders, GPS, or road maps to guide us. Our journey is leading us to places we have never been before along with a new vision and insight to how Divine, resilient and courageous we truly are. I Am committing myself to knowing we deserve more love and tapping into the essence [...]

Let Go, Let G-d

November 9th, 2015|

It is not just because of my current circumstances that I am writing this. It is also because as most of us now understand, these times are the most energetically chaotic and pivotal times in our history. The Elohim tell us that within the month of October, we may have undergone one of possibly the five greatest Spiritual Tug-of-Wars we’ve experienced here on Earth. Moreover, with great powerful energy comes great challenges. History evolves and we are in that state of evolution. The light and dark are always proportionate and it is up to us to counter the balance and choose what we want to focus on. The irony is that it is so easy to be taken under with the current tide being so intense. However, if we choose to stay under the illusion of fear and panic we will miss the opportunities to bring in the miracles that [...]

Miracles Happen

November 2nd, 2015|

There's a dimension somewhere out there that is transcendental. It transcends ordinary consciousness to extraordinary. The universe we have created is a garden. Since we are all master gardeners I am going to plant a seed today in your magical garden and believe that with faith and trust you too can cultivate and manifest anything and everything. The thing that our soul yearns for more than anything is freedom. Simply because it is infinite itself! It craves expansion. It loves expression. Your soul knows that greatness and magnificence that lies within you. Moreover, once you realize this new self-concept you have overcome the first criteria of living the life you were born to live. You become a co-creator with spirit. Once you can move to a higher level of existence and know you are it all – you can have it all! Not everyone is able to take this journey [...]

Breaking Open

October 26th, 2015|

“Dance, when you're broken open,” Rumi proposes. “Dance, if you've torn the bandage off. Dance in the middle of the fighting. Dance in your blood. Dance when you're perfectly free.” Take a leap and dance with me. This is the time for all of us who have been told we can't have it all to sing out loud - knowing we can and we will. We all deserve more love. More joy. More Health. More abundance. More everything! By now, most of us have had our hearts broken wide open. However, for me there is no looking back since that is not the direction I choose to go in. I have found in letting go of our losses and moving on, the universe provides us with the opportunity of creating more space to fill ourselves up again with more of anything we desire. As heart-breaking as loss can feel, it [...]

From Tragedy to Triumph

October 19th, 2015|

We have all fallen and have suffered though the aftermath of a traumatic experience. Moreover, living in a culture that tells us to deny our grief has only added to our trauma. Consequently, because of the culture we live in there are too many of us who instead of becoming vulnerable, feeling and acknowledging their hurt are inflicting their pain onto others. In the book 'Rising Strong' Brene' Brown wrote, “If we are brave enough, often enough, we will fall! However, in that falling is what teaches us the most about who we really are. Having the courage to recon with our emotions and to rumble with our stories is the path to writing our brave new ending and the path that leads to wholeheartedness. It's also the beginning. Understanding our fall and rise, owning our story, taking responsibility for our emotions-this is there the revolution starts.” From my own [...]

Cultivating Courage-Shift Happens…

October 5th, 2015|

According to many teachers, we have entered 5D consciousness. We have reached a new horizon of possibility and now we get to write a new ending for our life. How great is that? For many of us entering this new reality what we are feeling has left us without a sense of who, what or where we are. For those who are experiencing or have experienced 'the dark night of the soul' and/or many spiritual deaths before entering into this new reality just know we have created the space for the gateway to open into a newer, higher and more evolved 5D dimension. As we step onto this plateau even though we may be experiencing feelings of isolation, loneliness and anticipation we are laying the groundwork to now be aligned with the newest being Superhuman 5D reality. It is a gift that this shift in awareness is providing so our [...]

Being in Harmony With What Is…

June 29th, 2015|

f you are reading this Muse-Letter, more than likely you are on a journey of healing and transformation, ready to take the next step in your quantum leap of ascension. Our world is expanding in so many unique and different ways and one of these new ways is to know we are creating a new paradigm of reality, a new model where we are sharing not so much of what is happening in the world at large, but what is happening in our world. In Maureen Moss's latest newsletter she wrote, “As an act of Love, you stepped away from planets and star systems that many of you would call Heaven to come to Planet Earth and construct, through the power of Creation through your very own hearts, Heaven, onto what many of you have felt at times was a planet of agony and misery." As we are still in [...]

Learning to Embrace Everything

May 11th, 2015|

We all experience cycles of scarcity, judgment, doom, gloom, fear and just not knowing. However; each one of us contains within ourselves an inner strength and resolve that whenever darkness arises we can go within and summon those resources of untapped energies.

Vibrating at the Enegry of Love

April 20th, 2015|

Today with all these incredible numerical, new moon and other energies on your side you can find a thousand ways to make it a great day creating something wonderful! On behalf of the Universe I congratulate you on traveling this far and feel confident to write 'that the best is yet to come.” The old adage that said we should live every day as if it were our last most likely meant that we should not wait until death is imminent to begin living the life we were born to live. Soul lessons are always ongoing. Since we are on an accelerated consciousness shift we are all being asked to come forward to demand and command that we deserve more love, not less!  Everything is energy. Moreover, energy is neither good nor bad. It is how we direct that energy that is crucial.  I AM beginning to believe that  why [...]

Welcome to the Fifth Dimension

April 13th, 2015|

According to Ken Wilber, we are hitting a natural tipping point in adult human development. "This tipping point is where you move from what the renowned developmental psychologist Dr. Abraham Maslow called “esteem needs” to “self-actualization needs.” Your boredom with life, your frustration with the day-in day-out grind of it all, your pure nagging dissatisfaction with life as it is, are proof positive that you are ready to begin the process of self-actualization. You are ready to stop playing small. To stop being just another cog in the machine. You are ready to actualize your greatest potentials. And invest the time, energy, work, and resources to become the best possible version of yourself. You are standing at the precipice of a monumental leap in meaning. This is your radioactive spider bite. This is your call to embark on the most heroic journey of your life. Right now is the moment [...]

The Road Less Traveled

April 6th, 2015|

This is one of the most exciting times because a great portal is opening up for us to live new experiences at a higher level of abundance and satisfaction more than ever before. As we spring forth (literally) keeping our vibration high, letting go of what doesn't serve us we can give birth to a new personal reality.  The more we stay the present, whatever we are focusing on will expand and amplify higher and higher, bigger and bigger. In surrendering to life, allowing it to unfold and mingling in that higher vibrational frequency the more life can give us what we truly desire. The I AM(ness) in us gets to play in the realm of infinite possibilities where we can create more and more magic from the space of infinity.  The time has come - we have worked hard up until now to build the sandbox; now we get [...]