The Power to Heal Yourself…

November 10th, 2014|

People often wonder what is humility.  Some of the definitions for Humility are: A humbleness or a quality of being courteously respectful to others or the opposite of aggressiveness, arrogance and vanity. Humility is having a clear perspective and respect for one's place. With humility, we accept our place as one among many others. When we recognize that we are no more important than those others we approach even the most menial tasks joyfully. We accept that we are only here to be of service in this great creation. According to Andrew Harvey, “humility is the beginning and the middle and the end of the evolutionary path. There are no gurus or masters on the evolutionary path for the simple reason that there is no end to evolution." "A great Sufi mystic was wandering by the sea one day and he met an old beggar woman who by the shining [...]

On the Road Again…

October 20th, 2014|

In the world of Tarot one of the meanings of the Chariot card is a conveyance of a person who's stalled and who's stuck not realizing they have the power to move forward. Another point of view is that the Chariot symbol is a way of discovering staying present in the moment. It is a doorway for you to make a decision and move on knowing whatever direction you choose the outcome will be victorious.

Becoming Divine

October 13th, 2014|

There is a reason that YOU were born during this period of Humanity! From where I AM standing we are living in the most fascinating of times. It's an extraordinary gift to be alive so we can deeply experience this amazing evolution towards becoming A Divine Human Being.

Working on a Dream

September 15th, 2014|

On January 27, 2009, Bruce Springsteen released his 16th studio album, Working on a Dream. I too AM working on a dream - To Love and become Beloved. I believe it is a skill to be practiced. Just like meditation is a practice, like playing the piano or working out at a gym.

Let’s Fall in Love

September 8th, 2014|

Since everything is energy, what you are is what you attract into your life. So then the deeper question is what are You willing to become? When we Love ourselves we feel worthy - we then are inviting those energies of Love, joy, vitality, energy, enthusiasm, beauty, grace, freedom, truth, happiness and health (just to name a few) into our lives.

Oh What a Week!

August 11th, 2014|

Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons sang, 'Oh what a night'. That is one of the great songs from the play/movie 'The Jersey Boys'. It was a special time for them. For me this week was more than just a night; however, it was just as amazing a time in space that I will never forget. In this amazing week I can tell you about some incredible things I learned between the illusion of power and surrendering to what is. What was truly exciting for me is how after all this time and struggling I could finally let go and surrender into the awareness of an intelligence greater than myself. I believe up until now we have had it backwards thinking from our reptilian brain that success depended on being right, stronger, bigger, better and richer than others. Surrendering to this new kind of power opened my heart which allowed [...]

The pursuit of happiness…

June 30th, 2014|

What does it mean to live an inspiring life being authentic - taking care of ourselves while understanding our responsibility while on the planet? For many of us we are all yearning to live a larger and more enlightened life. According to the work of the spiritual evolutionary teacher, Craig Hamilton, we can evolve out of the deep conditioned habits of our ancient animal past and align with those higher virtues and ultimately transform human nature itself into The Divine. Many of us are experiencing moments of insights and getting glimpses of our higher potential while awakening to discover our deeper selves. Hamilton goes on to say that if we could learn to get out of our own way and make room for a deeper part of ourselves to come forth, it is now only possible, but probable that we will live an enlightened life. The calling and need for [...]

Happy Re-Birthday!

June 23rd, 2014|

I have come to discover that the secret of life is belief rather than genes. I have had the honor of traveling this sacred path that The Divine has put me on and it is making all the difference in the world for me. This terrain has not only changed my life but will forever guide me towards studying, researching and sharing what I have come to learn for the rest of my days. And even though life is complex we are here to live it simply and wholeheartedly. Today's energy with the rapid, caring, concerned and resolute change that the (23rd) can bring you can mark the start of something important in your personal life and career. There is never a dull moment under this particular (23/5) energy so I encourage you to be open to learning and ponder the need for adjustments and change wherever you see fit [...]

In All the World There is No One Else Like You

June 16th, 2014|

Tara Brach, a wonderful meditation teacher asks us in her book 'Radical Acceptance", “How can we be without anxiety in our imperfections – accepting ourselves just as we are?” What do we need to learn to live in harmony without being anxious about our imperfections? Last Saturday I chose to create a wonderful but harsh experience that led me to another level on my healing journey. While caught up in the aftermath of this drama and playing out the gamut of emotions of hurt, anger and judging myself in a web of unworthiness it became clear to me that my feelings of not being enough were at the root of this most painful experience. Even though I was trying everything to escape and push away the feelings of being deficient and not worthy my psyche wouldn't let me withdraw from being present with the feelings of fear and what was [...]

Living Fearlessly

June 9th, 2014|

The convergence of mysticism and the new physics has brought us to the gateway of our humanness. Beyond lies something that is literally beyond our language ~ Michael Talbot The scientific communities concur that energy and all of its frequencies: resonances, waves and spectrums comprise all things. Moreover, this same energy, as we have come to regard it as being out there, is the same energy that exists in our selves and that is in all of us all of the time, right here and everywhere present in the world in which we live! If you are reading this Muse-letter it is because your own personal energy vibrated at a frequency in your electromagnetic field as an energetic resonance between you and the messages upon this page. What a wonderful window of opportunity to start your own rev – o – lution (rev- up your own solution) to create the [...]

Be Cause Instead of Effect

June 2nd, 2014|

Today Be Cause – be cause instead of effect... Did you know that we are creating everything according to the vibration we are holding? We are generating creation in every moment. The more we can sustain the vibration of what we want and desire the more we are going to live our life by design rather than live our life by default. The key is to begin to have a relationship with our own interior awareness. That means providing ourselves with the tools, training and support to evolve and grow in unprecedented ways while learning to harness our higher self - while eclipsing the wounded self and our ego's destructive tendencies. In other words, to learn to be more mindful. The greatest habit we can break is the habit of being ourselves. It is now time to create a new 'You'. One that is aligned with your authentic power and [...]

Creating a New Personality

May 26th, 2014|

Research tells us that the Greek philosopher, Socrates was quoted as saying, “The unexamined life is not worth living.” Mainly because we are not choosing our life moment to moment – rather our old life continues through us from our unconscious mind and habits when we do not choose something different. Never before have we been so Blessed and Graced with the most powerful knowledge, information and theories - enabling us to harness our own power. What's more to know that in many cases these ideas and practices are becoming much more effective than any of the doctors, drugs, therapies and programs we were to led to believe we needed. Each and every day I am finding something strange and also wonderful for me to witness, see and experience mentally, physically and spiritually. The revelations and the syncronicities that the new physics are showing us are beyond measure. Each day [...]