Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons sang, ‘Oh what a night’. That is one of the great songs from the play/movie ‘The Jersey Boys’. It was a special time for them. For me this week was more than just a night; however, it was just as amazing a time in space that I will never forget. In this amazing week I can tell you about some incredible things I learned between the illusion of power and surrendering to what is. What was truly exciting for me is how after all this time and struggling I could finally let go and surrender into the awareness of an intelligence greater than myself. I believe up until now we have had it backwards thinking from our reptilian brain that success depended on being right, stronger, bigger, better and richer than others. Surrendering to this new kind of power opened my heart which allowed me to start feeling an ecstasy of being on the other side of yesterday that is difficult to language in words. It is more than a feeling – it is a life experience. Surrendering to our spiritual power lets us surrender to the love we are. By surrendering we can learn how to move into The Divine and allow the synchronicities and magic to unfold with more and more frequency as we trust ourselves and open up into the process. We have gone after power in a world to define ourselves to feel that we matter rather than connecting to the inner most beautiful authentic power which is the foundation of all that we are and still becoming.

It seems that our sole concern should be to take care and protect those qualities that we can take with us when the death of our body and mind finally comes (which is another workshop all on its own), because those qualities will be our sole companions in our afterlife. One of the most inspiring spiritual teachers of the twentieth century, Osho wrote, “A man who is fearless is neither afraid of anybody nor makes anyone afraid of him. Fear totally disappears when leaving the past and allowing the future to be”.

Since life is filled with uncertainty and no one knows what is going to happen all we can do is to surrender into this vortex of possibilities. We don’t even have to call it uncertainty, we can call it wonder, surprise and finally, freedom To be. What better place to create something then out of the space of uncertainty. To live in a space of freedom and to know that all possibilities are available then we are not living from the dead past but living in the future we can only imagine. Once we have this understanding going into this abyss of the unknown in spite of all of our fears it is called courage!

When you move into these uncharted territories what do you imagine? Today with all these energies working through us drop all that you know and attempt to remain in a state of wondering and from this state of wonder we can begin to explore the mysteries and to have them open up to us. Don’t move the way fear would make you move – move in the direction that feels most loving for you. To be alive means you have to accept the possibility of not knowing – to accept the insecurity of the unknown.

Every week I look forward to the experience of having an open mind as I wait for the Grace of whatever mysteries are going to open up so I can experience the joygasm of sharing whatever comes up in this muse-letter. To be in this world and not be of it seems for me the most courageous and freeing thing I can do. To be able to drop all fear and create a space for more joy, love and excitement. And the people that I know that have attained this quality live a priceless life not attached to any outcome. They are Alive! Osho says “That joy is the antidote for fear and if you are enjoying your life fear disappears”.

What is your highest expression of The Divine in you today at this moment in your full authentic power? Make an agreement with great resolve today, a decision with such amplitude that it will eclipse some hard-wiring in your brain and know that something wonderful is going to happen and you are going to live it tremendously with a new energy and then cultivate the courage to let go and move into The Divine where magic happens. Eventually the ego’s drive to make things happen falls away and is replaced with a trusting openness while synchroncities unfold.

What a great day to create more than you ever dreamed possible. All the elements are lining up for your greater good so you can step into your power and begin to be the blessing field that you truly are.
Today, celebrate your joy, your courage and all the things you have surrendered to – you will grow stronger and live in more wonderment that you ever dreamed possible. Believe in yourself. Dare to surrender to anything that is keeping you hostage of your own mind. Remove all the barriers of what is standing between you and living fearlessly.


Everyone has a divine purpose and once you find and begin to start to live yours you then are expressing the very best version of who you are and still becoming!

Call today and schedule your reading so you can experience your highest good. You have the power.