by Marcy Heller

Even though the Phoenix is Rising and many of us are feeling the push/pull, I feel that no matter what is to come from these ashes of the ages of darkness that we have endured through eternity, no matter how harsh, challenging or uncomfortable, we will prevail. What’s more, we may be entering this gateway feeling confused, overwhelmed, and unsure, but we will leave it with a clearer knowing, a stronger sense of our destiny, more grounded, and certainly more connected to our personal power!

By now, most of us can agree that we are living in a world that is broken and yet so beautiful at the same time. What still remains is how are we going to figure out solutions to help heal the world and at the same time accept our responsibility and how we can begin healing ourselves and where we have contributed to the brokenness of the world.

The presence of the woundedness in the world not only makes our own healing essential, but in taking responsibility through healing our own wounds, it is possible to move forward and give birth to our own lives again. As above, so below!

As we are bidding farewell to old habits, patterns, people and places, know that transformation takes time. It takes focus and courage to remove ourselves from the old toxic associations, actions and or habits. It takes discernment to bring in the new reality that feels supportive and true. Never before have we had to be so discerning on what and whose energies we are taking with us.

According to Michael Meade, “The world needs healing on so many levels, that there cannot be a single idea, simple process or common belief that ends all the conflicts and begins the healing. The missing ingredient, the deep medicine, the inner gold is hidden in our own hearts. Until we can loosen the stones that we have constructed to protect our vulnerable selves, we can’t find the inner medicine or the inner wisdom of the soul. Only through that kind of process can we find genuine ways to become wounded-healers and bring some healing back to the world. If enough people would do that, then enough medicines would be found that we could contribute to the healing of ourselves, and at the same time, be humbly, but creatively helping to heal the world.”

Now is the time to focus on our personal preferences, and through our intention and imagination create the spiritual infrastructure within that we need in order to move forward with ease and grace. The old world broke down so that we can change the structure and create new paradigms and containers as we enter the New Earth. Our work is to take that quantum leap within our own selves instead of waiting for others to create the miracles to happen! It is not enough for us to just wake-up. Now we have to grow up and clean up! We want to become that person who, despite chaos and crisis, continues to seek the shining light of the stars and dreams a new destiny for humanity. This is what it means to be a Shaman and a Sha-Women!

It’s essential to know that we are all awakening. Some of us may not feel blinding light or celestial voices, however it is important to know that your transformation is just as real. It may be a job that we were laid off from, a love affair that no longer works, a failed business or marriage or just knowing that something needs to change from inside of ourselves. Regardless, there is never a wrong path. Everyone experiences just what they need for their own ascension process. What’s more, the main thing is to TRUST, knowing that your future will progress exactly as your Soul intended it to be. Our souls are always steering us in the right direction for our highest good. That’s why if we let go of the reigns and surrender to what is, we can allow ourselves to trust and be guided by the Amazing Grace that is carrying us on Angelic wings. Moreover, awakening touches and transforms others as it does for ourselves.

The astrologer Celia Fenn wrote, “This is what the Awakening is all about, awakening to Who We Are as Human Angels and expanding our abilities to reflect that truth and wisdom. These crystalline new frequencies are displacing the old energies and the old stories. We are birthing a new story of Diamond Light and Golden Love as the old is blasted away and the new begins to rise. Welcome the new and do not be caught up in the ravages of the storm as the old is blown away.“

Now more than ever there is a great need for leaders and teachers in this new energy so we can start bridging the gap from all the polarities and dissension. We have to find the unity within ourselves before we can begin seeing it in the world around us. Of course, in doing so we have to take the risk of creating more hurt (before we feel better), in ourselves. In other words, we can no longer just treat the symptoms but we have to go into and through the wound that was originally created in our womb! It has to begin with us and then brought into the world as we heal ourselves!

With all these challenges before us, it is essential that we keep uncovering our creative genius and use our imagination to expand our life rather than diminishing it. With all the chaos and uncertainty, we must build that infrastructure based on our self-worth and unconditional love that we hold for ourselves.

We were brought here to Earth school to evolve and experience the highest spiritual journey possible.  Here on Earth school in the ‘Now Age’, we are living on a moment-to-moment basis. We are the Captains of our ship and in these new uncharted waters, staying mindful and constantly aware that we may have to keep course correcting!  Even though it is not going to be perfect, just like any musician in any orchestra we must keep fine tuning our instruments to stay in harmony with the rest of our fellow musicians.

We are in the midst of the spiritual empty nest syndrome, a time of big change and loss. And even though we have been tested time and time again, in the last few years, as we let go of even more old paradigms and step into the unknown, it has become very clear we are the ones we were waiting for!  We are no longer holding our breath, waiting for others to make a shift. We are transforming our loving selves, not micro-managing, bullying or judging, just by loving ourselves even more we can become the holy vessel that we truly are. The mind isn’t a big fan of ‘Be here Now’. Regardless of what our minds are telling us, as we embrace and stand tall in our hearts as we ascend to a new level of Us, we are now showing up to do the work! If we don’t make permanent changes from within, they will be made for us from outside!

We have passed the test and we are all gearing up for the next step in evolution. Notice how your life is changing, especially the synchronicities and intuitive information. You are going to start remembering, and not a moment too soon!  After living life over and over, you will start remembering the wisdom that you have gained through these past lifetimes and all of the experiences you have had in all your many lives! You will start connecting the dots…

We now have at our fingertips so many new tools and techniques to up-grade and reboot ourselves as we are breaking the habits of being our old selves. We don’t have to return to that old way of thinking, feeling and being. Especially in this new dimension we are on a different channel and it just doesn’t work any longer.

As Anne Lamott wrote, “We begin to find and become ourselves when we notice how we are already found, already truly, entirely, wildly, messily, marvelously who we were born to be.” And last but certainly not least, always remember yourselves as l’amor che move il sole e l’altre stelle, “the love that moves the sun and the other stars.”

Keep moving, keep moving.  Continue to keep growing and keep opening up to receive. This is the time when after eons of lifetimes of giving service to G-d and humanity we are being rewarded. So accept, open up and know that the time is NOW, NOW, NOW! And, the most essential part is to know that you are the Gift and so worthy to receive it All!