Healing is Not the End, it is Only the Beginning…

February 27th, 2017|

Have anyone ever noticed or recognized that moment when they woke up and realized they weren't in Kansas any more? According to psychic Andrew Martin: “A spiritual journey often starts with a single moment of awakening that rattles our cage and snaps us into awareness. Then we enter a phase of withdrawing from everything we know to be true. A massive self inventory and self inquiry must occur. We go within and examine every last shred of who we have been and discover the deeper truth of who we are. Discarding what is no longer in resonance and clarifying that which is as the old self destructs. Eventually we reach the state of being healed or integrated which in essence is simply a return to our natural state of wholeness. This return to wholeness requires the integration of the knowledge that we are more than “just human”. We must accept [...]

The Keys Within You…

February 13th, 2017|

Are you feeling the power and the passion from within, wanting to create a greater story? Wow, we have just come off another incredibly powerful week where the energy has been kicked up another notch or two after this last lunar eclipse. According to Lorna Bevan, “Sights, new tribes and revolutionary gatherings will be occurring. Expect major nervous system upgrades/disturbances as the Schumann Resonance is spiking to levels that are higher than have ever been recorded. The magnetic field of the Earth is shifting and fluctuating as deep space alignments that haven’t been experienced in centuries are becoming a game changer on a global scale. Don't even try to understand what is happening at the level of logic/identity/mind.” Now more than ever that the human side in us will create stories and go into fear...as you may be noticing this is not working for us anymore...These upgrades that the universe [...]

Outrageous Gratitude…

January 23rd, 2017|

One of my all time favorite movies starred the late, great Debbie Reynolds. The movie was 'The Unsinkable Molly Brown'. Like the character in the movie, I too never gave up the ship! Whatever feelings you are experiencing now in light of current events personally or politically know that there is hope. Hope is defined as "the perceived capability to derive pathways to desired goals, and motivate oneself via agency thinking to use those pathways.” Whatever fear, sadness, disappointments or anger that you are carrying in your heart of hearts I can say from my own experience that this too shall pass. In other words where there is life there is hope! On this journey, everything you do will be the discovery of your relationship with the Divine. The resistance, the fear, the doubt and the limitations that you feel in any moment are the very things that makes it [...]

Reality is Not a Fact It’s a Story…

January 16th, 2017|

I believe that I keep mentioning that we are living in the most unique times in history and that the stakes are so high, because they truly are. The totally amazing news of the week is that Reality is not a fact, but a story. Just like in The Wizard of Oz, the Wizard that is alive and well within ourselves is creating our own myths. Our reality is the story we are creating in each moment. We are manifesting these challenges so we can rise up and become who and what we truly are! Just like in Joseph Campbell's book, The Hero's Journey, we are all heros with a thousand faces who are being called to show up for this incredible adventure we call life. An adventure that is summoning us to leave the old behind and create new ways of being. Just like Dorothy whose house was lifted [...]

What Love Is…

January 9th, 2017|

January is here. Take pause and know we made it to 2017. News Flash: these energies are BIG! Anything is possible in 2017 as we emerge into the promise of pure potential. As the psychic teacher Andrew Martin writes, “We are in the midst of a galactic transformation unlike any other in history. The fact that so many things seem to be falling apart is a good thing. It is evidence of the arrival of the new. As my Granny used to say: “Gold is refined through terrific heat”. So let it go, let it burn, let it crumble and fall. Trust the process and allow yourself to open to a higher level of awareness. A higher level of being awaits. Allow the dissolution of the old so you can begin to build the new. Know that you are held and carried by the same cycles of life and that [...]

Let There be Light…

December 26th, 2016|

One of our great teachers, Barbara Marciniak once wrote, "If you do not fill your energetic field with new experiences, new ideas and new versions of yourself, your field becomes dim and worn, bored with the same old story." We are here to be deliberate Creators. Now is the time to be ready for anything and everything knowing we are at the precipice of begining to accept the unvarnished truth that we are destined for greatness. We are not those temporal, fragmented and limited beings that we once imagined and erroneously identified ourselves with for eons of time. Know you can be anything you want to be in any given moment. As we go deeper within our consciousness and heighten our awareness we create more peace, love, bliss and magic in our universe. All gateways are now opening up way beyond anything we could have imagined. We were made to [...]

You are the Master…

December 19th, 2016|

Ending this month of December, as well as the ending of a 9-year cycle, is calling us to not only learn the mastery of ourselves but to be in acceptance of what is present in our lives right now. Continuing to come home to ourselves (loving ourselves), and aligning ourselves with whatever is happening in our outer lives regardless of what the that external world is showing us allows us to be present and stay in the now. It is calling for us to learn Mastery. Allowing what we need to be what we want is a Master Level choice, quotes the psychic, Andrew Martin. He goes on to say, ”It’s not necessarily easy, but acceptance is the only way to stay aligned with the flow. 2017 energies are coming in and are challenging us to redefine our stories and beliefs until we are crystal clear on what it is [...]

Simple Does it Easy All the Time…

December 5th, 2016|

According to the great astrologer, Lorna Bevan, “December’s astrology is full of surprises, revelations, twists, turns, confusion and clarity. It’s the last four weeks of the Zero Point Zone culminating with the lights being switched back on December 26th.” She goes on to write, “The Chandra Symbol for Saturn: Sagittarius 20 The changing of water into wine. Given a charge of inner worlds power. A prana of life-giving essence to offer into the most obdurate situations hope and enthusiasm. Not put off by coming up against tremendous outward and inward stuff to cut through. Just knowing there is a force, there is a way somehow. Offered the keys to the kingdom. It is a rhythm, a pulse, a knack. Once you get it, you can’t lose it. Then you know the New Birth in all things. Circle December 26 2016 in your calendar. This is when the lights are switched [...]

Turn it Up…

November 28th, 2016|

When we are truly inspired, something very special touches us and all limitations and barriers simply disappear. It is a feeling that is beyond holy or sacred and beyond language. It is a sensational feeling that humbles you with Amazing Grace while catapulting you into something that is beyond space-time. Through this intimate and sensual experience of Grace you feel so expanded and grateful and a new life from within you is born. The life events I have experienced lately have humbled me and made it impossible for me to remain unchanged. I have learned some of the most valuable lessons one can hope to receive living on this earth plane. I now have a renewed respect for life; more than I ever could have had before. Just because we don't see the gifts doesn't mean that they aren't there. When you perceive the bigger picture and realize why you [...]

Only Love is Real…

November 21st, 2016|

Through our relationships with others we gain and learn so much. We find out how important love is, we learn to be empowered, courageous, strong, authentic and resilient. Moreover, it is often through our relationships that we also endure great suffering. In the powerful book 'The Buddha’s Wife' the authors in their creative wisdom created a fictional story of Yasodhara. the wife of Siddhartha – The Buddha. The book, from chapter to chapter traces how we can all learn through her experience and teachings on how to apply her passage to heal our own suffering. Throughout time we have heard of the Buddha's story of enlightenment, but never before have we gone behind the scenes to experience the stresses, loss and betrayal of what it was like for Yasodhara, the Buddha's wife to heal the pain of her deep depression and grief. Yasodhara, in her anguish opened the door for [...]

Love is the Answer…

November 14th, 2016|

Hot off the press from the Power Path, “The wrecking ball has arrived. Never fear. Never accept the appearance of things. The young king with Alexander the Greats personality traits appears to have his prize. Hillary the warrior does not yet know the horror she avoided. All this shall pass in this unstable universe of ours. Do not under any circumstances engage in fear. Do what empowers you. Keep your hearts open no matter how hard. Do not engage in martyrdom, resentment or hopelessness. As the old Buddhist monk said when faced with alternating praise and condemnation,"Oh, is that so?" In every seeming impossible situation there is always opportunity”. As a community, we know we are prepared for the task at hand. Receptive, willing and beyond ready for major changes. That being said, as a collective we have chosen our work. Now is not the time to allow our judgments [...]

Becoming our Superhuman Selves…

November 7th, 2016|

"This is what it feels like to be brilliantly achingly alive. Alive in the shatter. Alive in the empty. This is what it is to belong to things we cannot possibly understand. This is what it is to trust in the terrifying wisdom of our own becoming." ~ Tanya Lee Markul Get ready sky gazers, the largest, closest supermoon of the century will be taking over the sky mid-November on the 14th. In fact, the Nov. 14 supermoon will not only be the brightest of the year, but it’s the closest one we’ve seen since 1948. The perfect storm is upon us and all the emotions are running the gamut as we are all on reset claiming our gifts and aligning ourselves with Source energy. And, won't it be great! As Lorna Beven points out, “It's obvious by now that the 3D ways of striving, struggling, micromanaging and trying to [...]