Spring Forward…

March 19th, 2018|

News Flash: It is not what happens to us but how we feel about what happens to us that conditions our reality. According to the biologist, Bruce Lipton, “We are not victims of anything other than the programs we are operating from. If your subconscious programs match the wishes and desires of the conscious mind, your life will be one continuous honeymoon experience for as long as you live on this planet. The cells of your body are merely following instructions given by the nervous system, by the brain. The nervous system does the interpretation. As your perception changes, you change the message that your nervous system communicates to the cells of your body. Your mind controls your biology. That’s what the placebo effect is about; the mind believes the pill will work and so it does.” When you begin to notice that each thought we have is attached to [...]

Breaking the Cycle…

March 12th, 2018|

Breaking the Cycle... News Flash: It is not what happens to us but how we feel about what happens to us that conditions our reality. According to the biologist, Bruce Lipton, “We are not victims of anything other than the programs we are operating from. If your subconscious programs match the wishes and desires of the conscious mind, your life will be one continuous honeymoon experience for as long as you live on this planet. The cells of your body are merely following instructions given by the nervous system, by the brain. The nervous system does the interpretation. As your perception changes, you change the message that your nervous system communicates to the cells of your body. Your mind controls your biology. That’s what the placebo effect is about; the mind believes the pill will work and so it does.” When you begin to notice that each thought we have [...]

Diving Deeper…

March 5th, 2018|

As you go deeper into your practice today and tune into yourself and breathe into your heart I invite you to hold the vision to become stronger and begin to be aware of what it feels like to be brilliantly alive in all the confusion, dissolution and emptiness. As you may have already figured out, we have just survived the Olympics of energy! We are now on our way... For everyone who was or is being challenged beyond the beyond with unprecedented transformation, the more you stay in the presence of love the greater clarity and influence you can bring to any situation. As you are becoming Superhuman, hold the vision how strong and powerful you truly are and keep moving forward even if it feels like the ground beneath you in collapsing. Keep moving, growing stronger, bigger, better and certainly not bitter. Brene' Brown summed it all up when [...]

Making a Difference…

February 26th, 2018|

We are in a major integration phase right now and are evolving more rapidly than we could ever have imagined. The eclipses we had all experienced showed us a way of revealing what is hidden so that we can then bring all those feelings and emotions to the surface,including any fears, desires, insecurities, or imbalances that were keeping us from moving forward. Remembering always that our souls are here to keep creating so we can experience everything! On that note, we get to see all the sides of our selves that need more love/light and healing. The past 6 months have really given us an opportunity to see everything with a new lens, especially where we were giving our power away. The Universe doesn't judge – only we do! It doesn’t classify our ideas and actions as “good” or “bad”. It was merely an opportunity for us to really look [...]

Let There be Light…

February 19th, 2018|

As many of us are aware of the suffering caused by the horrific act of violence at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland this past week; I dedicate my Light/Love to all the victims, families, teachers and all beings who have had their hearts torn opened by the un-mindfulness of this tragedy. Aware of the suffering caused by this destruction of life, we can commit ourselves to cultivating more love, light, compassion and learning new ways to protect the lives of all of us. Together, we can transform violence, fanaticism and dogma in ourselves and in the world. Let us all come together and begin the rev-evolution to reduce the suffering of all living beings on Planet Earth. Collectively we have anchored a new Heaven on Earth. We are birthing a new human species and now more than ever the worst thing we can do is to hide [...]

Following our Diving Plan…

February 12th, 2018|

At this very auspicious time in history we are the largest group awakening in every new moment. How can we be of service to ourselves and the world? How we can honor and celebrate our Soul’s Divine Plan? According to Dr. Joe Dispenza, “When you Marry a clear intention with an elevated emotion – get ready because something unusual is going to happen. Keep asking yourself What is the greatest expression of myself can I be today? When you rehearse a new way of being you change your energy and thus you change your life.” Following our Divine plan is holy work. The world is calling out for those of us who are passionate, courageous artists who are aligned in the cosmic energy field of infinity to use their best to serve. To all of You who envision vision creating global peace and happiness, thank you. Imagine the positive impact [...]

A New Dawn…

February 5th, 2018|

We stand on the brink of a new way of being and for many of us we are now being invited to use this awareness into anchoring a new state of receivership. I Am going out on a limb here since that is where all the fruit is. According to Christine Day, a spokesperson communicating to us from the Pleiadians, “Our own self- resurrection is where we need to focus on at this time. That means that we need to end the separation inside of ourselves. We need to come into a state of self-acceptance for all that we have done and experienced up this moment in this lifetime. We need to honor and embrace all the experiences we have had in order to learn, and to let go of any self-condemnation we hold towards ourselves, for the things we have done or not done. Knowing that we have done [...]

A New Way of Being…

January 22nd, 2018|

I am not sure about you, but did anything significant happen in your life last week during the New Moon with nine planets unfolding?  Perhaps any one of these things you rely on; your body, your computer, your car, your cell phone, breaking down irretrievably and causing major inconveniences as you had to upgrade, replace or simply make the time to get it fixed properly? It seems this was Pluto's way of eliminating the old to allow access to all the new incoming frequencies. From my experience we are all now making powerful new choices as well as learning how to make creative new decisions on how to navigate our life during these fast and incredible new frequencies of chaos as well as wild possibilities. Simply put our deep discomfort physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually is just the result of adjusting to the new 5D vibrations. As we have discussed before [...]

Who Are We?

January 15th, 2018|

In this week's astrology forecast from Lorna Beven she emphasized, “Don’t even try to “understand “ it - each of us will have our own unique experience of transformation. Just open to it - it’s irresistible. We are revisiting the time of the patriarchal takeover in order to metamorphose, eliminate and dissolve the artificial structures, dynamics, beliefs, memories, conditioning of the past.” Which brings out the question, Who are we in this brave and wonderful new world we are creating?  Moreover, it is the question that comes up in the beginning of Gregg's Braden's newest book, Human By Design, “Everything from our self-esteem to our self-worth, our sense of confidence, our well-being, and our sense of safety, as well as the way we see the world and other people, stems from that question of who we think we are.” We stand on the brink of a new way of being. [...]

Matter Meets Mystery…

January 8th, 2018|

Happy New Year! There is an incredible potential and excitement for great change to take place for us in 2018. All that's required is that we do the work! So let's make an agreement to create the most wonderful, prosperous and beautiful and New Year ever! Let this truly be a wonderful and a dynamic New Beginning, for all of US to shine our Light as never before and to serve ourselves and humanity in the greatest way possible. It's past time in 2018 to move beyond watching and wishing - into living out our own creative genius. The Zen teacher, Jon Bernie wrote, “Transformation requires openness and vulnerability. For anything to open and grow, it has to be flexible. To become liberated, we must be willing to let go of who we think we are. It’s that simple. “Who we think we are” is what we believe — all [...]

Returning to Joy

December 18th, 2017|

This has been a most incredible year. A year full of dissolution, adjustment, change and expansion. I am not sure about you; however, I felt like I use to belong somewhere and now I feel like I am alone in the wilderness having no GPS to navigate the journey ahead. Moreover, in the absence of feeling like you belonged somewhere and now feeling nowhere I learned there can be great suffering Moreover, we are at a time where everything that we do affects everything else. So how do I stay at a higher vibration and find our joy again when it feels like I am skating on thin ice? It is becoming more challenging to stay present, mindful while still feeling the uncertainty of our new world. It has become increasingly clear that the only way to function shall now evolve by choices of the heart and not by trying [...]

You Are the Gift

December 4th, 2017|

Oh, what a week! On Tuesday, December 5th, Chiron turns direct at 24 Pisces square Saturn to begin his slow approach to crossing the Aries Point in Spring 2018. Chiron stations are pivotal days and this one is alchemised by Mercury retrograde on the GC square the Shaman centaur. Between now and December 21st, refuse to drop back into old 3D patterns of wounding or victim mentality and instead recognize just how little hold the past now has on you and how far you’ve moved on from working on yourself. To heed to the astrology report created by Lorna Bevan above the most healing and pivotal words are “refuse to drop back into old 3D patterns of wounding.” In a nutshell, this is our work to observe whatever’s coming up in our thoughts and emotions like clouds passing through the sky - to just observe them. We’re here to be [...]