As you go deeper into your practice today and tune into yourself and breathe into your heart I invite you to hold the vision to become stronger and begin to be aware of what it feels like to be brilliantly alive in all the confusion, dissolution and emptiness. As you may have already figured out, we have just survived the Olympics of energy! We are now on our way…

For everyone who was or is being challenged beyond the beyond with unprecedented transformation, the more you stay in the presence of love the greater clarity and influence you can bring to any situation. As you are becoming Superhuman, hold the vision how strong and powerful you truly are and keep moving forward even if it feels like the ground beneath you in collapsing. Keep moving, growing stronger, bigger, better and certainly not bitter. Brene’ Brown summed it all up when she wrote, “You’ll wonder how you can feel so brave and so afraid at the very same time. And only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light. This is what it is to belong to things we cannot possibly understand. This is what it is to trust in the terrifying wisdom of our own becoming.”

Many of us who have already taken the plunge and have stopped looking outside ourselves for some one or some thing to save us have become our own meaning makers in our lives, knowing there is no thing outside us that is waiting to make us happy. The great news about being the creators and the generators of our universe is that the is we are always creating our own experiences. It is almost immediate that whatever we are vibrating with is coming true in each moment. Once we stop seeking outside ourselves and begin to surrender to faith and trust, our world expands. Since we are pioneering most of this we can’t make a mistake. Moreover, as we listen more and more to our hearts and follow our intuition, more magic will appear. We become responsive, not reactive. The syncroncities and manifestations are abundant. You just know what to do in that next moment. I love the new universal safety net – follow your own Light. Your intuition is the most brilliant response/answer to any question, uncertainly or doubt. Your gut feeling/intuition is much more brilliant than the greatest thought your mind could have ever dreamed of. Just continue to follow whatever creative response that is showing up in your life, knowing that the universe has your back! Now we know what one of the famous yogis Nisargadatta Maharaj meant when he said, “Don’t you see? God is doing this all for me. Not to me”.

Even with all these amazing, incredible and intense experiences happening, by continuing to have the courage to show up for ourselves, a crazy thing happens right in the center of these energies – like every storm, you can find the eye, the part that is silent and still. Thus enabling us to have more clarity and a vision that is not clouded by the judgment or chatter of our minds. From that still place we know how we can push that reset button, gain more clarity and fulfill our deeper destiny. Instead of everything coming from fear we realize that everything that is happening is happening for our good. No matter what!

Remember to show up as who you are. Take the reins, this is your story. Spirit is responding to how we feel. What we keep feeling and choosing is going to keep manifesting in our experiences all the time. Moreover, when we investigate and expand the present, spirit is going to show up. The divine doesn’t need permission to be who she is. You begin to see every lesson, every thing was happening for us to build upon what we consciously know – We are the ones navigating the ship.

As a tribe, it’s my wish that we may all be lights for ourselves and each other in times that feel the darkest. My wish is that we all find our north stars and begin to unravel our small selves to create the container to hold the vibration, ‘I am that which I seek’. Only you know that you are the keeper of who you truly are and you are the only one that can give yourself permission to live it!

May you love yourself beyond any one or any thing else. Love yourself so much that you can’t do anything that doesn’t make you love yourself more! May all that you are and all that you do ripple out into the world and cause great happiness, joy, love and peace in all who you are graced to touch. I bow to all of you and THANK YOU for being here. And, last but certainly not least ‘How could anyone ever tell you, you were less than love?’ I love you dearly. Have a gorgeous week!