Champions of Light…
by Marcy Heller “I'm not interested in being a "lover." I'm interested in only being love.” “Suffering is part of our training program for becoming wise." - Ram Dass Dearest Courageous Spiritual Champions, Congratulations, we made it! Even though last week was a most colorful and challenging week for many, we have come out bigger, better and wiser! Just proving how resilient, strong and courageous we truly are. If you feel like I do after being 'tossed around' and exhausted by all the energies in the healing and the ascension process, know that you are not alone. This past week brought so many incredible connections among ourselves as well as receiving intuitive messages and for many, hearing guidance from our angelic guides as we continue to dive deeper and deeper into the “Now Age”. Nothing is surprising and the syncronicities are becoming the new normal! We are experiencing new downloads [...]
Becoming Your Stronger Self…
by Marcy Heller “Whatever Arises, Love That Everything Is Here to Help You.” - Matt Kahn Dearest Courageous Spiritual Warriors, News Flash: Right here, right now, you are experiencing history in the making and making history all at the same time. We were brought here to Earth school to evolve and experience the highest spiritual journey possible. Just to make it really interesting – we were given little or no instructions! At least if you went to purchase an Ikea table it would come with instructions! (Though you might not be able to read the language or fine print.) Nevertheless, there is some template to follow. Here on Earth school in the 'Now Age', we are living on a moment-to-moment basis! Were are the Captain of our ship and must stay glued to the helm. In these new uncharted waters, staying mindful and constantly aware that we may have to [...]
The Universe Always Has a Plan… Ascension in Progress…
All living things have a yearning inside that wants to become itself, the tadpole wants to be a frog, the chrysalis wants to become the Monarch butterfly, and humans want to become whole, to be enlightened!
Abundance Isn’t What You Have, It’s What You Are…
We are certainly living in a very different world now than we did just a few short months ago. 2020 is the turning point – we're at the center of a huge cornerstone in creating a group consciousness.
Tomorrow, Tomorrow…
by Marcy Heller Dear Courageous Spiritual Warriors, Every now and then we are given moments of incredible Grace. Today before I go any further, please take pause and know with great humility and infinite gratitude how much I appreciate You. What a privilege it is for me to share my thoughts, my life and my passion with all of you. I have been phenomenally touched with all that you have contributed to my precious life, especially now. Week after week, thank you for giving me the opportunity of sharing this sacred space with you and together create a global intention of Peace and Love. As never before I am becoming more aware of the present moment, knowing that there will never be another time like now, another day like today (even though at times I don't even know what day it is!), nor another moment like this one. Especially because for obvious reasons we [...]
Letting it Go…
by Marcy Heller Dearest Courageous Spiritual Warriors, Way back in the beginning of the year I wrote, “Between now and 2021 things are going to continue to shift in ways that will blow our minds.” But, never in my wildest dreams did I (or anyone I know), ever image this version of our reality today! There is a wonderful little saying that puts a a smile on my face whenever I repeat it, 'We can't appreciate the well, until there isn't any water!' Little did I or those around me fully appreciate and realize that we were indeed living in heaven! Now, fast forward. There is so much we still have to learn about ourselves and this experience. Yet, we know how hard this is and how difficult it has been. The evolution of the Expanded Self is no easy task, and yet this is where we have landed – more [...]
Never before have we been confronted with what is happening to our planet and to ourselves. Never before have most of us at the same time felt this enormous feeling of loss of control, pain and uncertainly.
Amazing Grace
by Marcy Heller “When things are shaky and nothing is working, we might realize that we are on the verge of something. Letting there be room for not knowing is the most important thing of all. When there's a big shock or disappointment, we don't know if that's the end of the story. It may just be the beginning of a great adventure. Life is like that. We don't know anything. We call something bad; we call it good. But really, we just don't know.” - Pema Chodron Dear Courageous StarSeeds, We are definitely living in a time of extremes and are now in the midst of the largest spiritual, physical, and emotional revolution/evolution in our history. All that is familiar and has occupied our consciousness for thousands of years has fallen by the wayside. In this brand new and ever evolving terrain, we are more than ever in need [...]
If You Don’t Go Within, You Go Without…
by Marcy Heller “Do not be dismayed by the brokenness of the world. All things break. And all things can be mended. Not with time, as they say, but with intention. So Love intentionally, extravagantly, unconditionally. The broken world waits in darkness for the Light that is you.” -L.R. Knost As Andrea Balt wrote, ”Change is a deep and sometimes painful realization that the previous You didn’t make it but the current You survived.” As you are all well aware, we are entering a chapter that none of us or humanity at large has ever experienced. I know for myself, there have been certain moments in history that I have never forgotten and I feel certain this is one of those times that we will all remember forever! Everything is coming to the surface: all our fears, sadness, anger, resentments, sicknesses as well as the most beautiful and astonishing [...]
This Too Shall Pass…
by Marcy Heller “The fog is going to clear and when it does, you want to be ready to navigate the new terrain, ready to make choices that will take you closer to your purpose, not leave you lying flattened by the side of the road.” - Lorna Bevan Dear Courageous Spiritual Warriors, It brings me great joy to begin these musings by paraphrasing some wonderful news straight off the press with the latest information from The Pleiadians. I invite you to take a walk on the wild side and embrace this channeling from the Most High! The Light Beings are being joined for the largest mass meditation/gathering on April 4th for the sole purpose to clean up Mother Earth. All 4.5 billion Star-seeds of Mother Earth are being called to come to gather and create the largest global mediation/gathering ever achieved on this planet for the purpose to stop [...]
We Are the World
Take pause and know that I would like to embrace you, hold your hand and let you know how much you matter! There are words to express my gratitude and respect for each of You who is honoring yourself smiling as we move forward towards our commitment to rising above all of the earthly dramas taking place on this planet.
I’m Beginning to See the Light…
Every time we are not in the moment and judging what is we are creating there is more pain for ourselves. When we resist anything there is suffering. It is pushing again the tide/flow. We are not going with the flow of what is. There in lies the rub. There's the pain. And, pain just hurts.