by Marcy Heller

Dear Courageous Spiritual Warriors,

Every now and then we are given moments of incredible Grace. Today before I go any further, please take pause and know with great humility and infinite gratitude how much I appreciate You. What a privilege it is for me to share my thoughts, my life and my passion with all of you. I have been phenomenally touched with all that you have contributed to my precious life, especially now. Week after week, thank you for giving me the opportunity of sharing this sacred space with you and together create a global intention of Peace and Love.

As never before I am becoming more aware of the present moment, knowing that there will never be another time like now, another day like today (even though at times I don’t even know what day it is!), nor another moment like this one. Especially because for obvious reasons we are forever changed independently and interdependently. To do this now for ourselves, our family, our entire lineage and for all of humanity. Each of us who are reading these musings today has taken the road less traveled and for that and so much more I am so grateful to be journeying together for now and hopefully forever more!

So much attention has been placed on Covid-19; however, on another level the energies of Love and Harmony have been amplified a million fold. In fact, I could write a whole column on the gifts that we are receiving on a daily basis due to this incredible and at times daunting experience. When I look around and see the depth of spirit uplifting humanity and sharing their brilliant light on Planet Earth I feel so privileged to be part of this evolution. As Yogananda was famous for saying, “The season of failure is the best time for sowing the seeds of success.” Crisis is always an evolutionary driver!

Before the day that we all woke up and our lives changed forever, I believed that this was the most incredible time there ever was in the history of human consciousness. Now I know. It is such a privilege to be alive at this time. To be able to amplify even more what we have all come here to be and do. It is almost impossible to comprehend all that is happening to and through us. For each of us, what it means to be alive at this moment is different. However, from my perspective, we are growing so rapidly and becoming a different species than our parents, grandparents and even ancestors were.

We are evolving and developing the capacity to perceive and manifest almost instantaneously. We are transforming in every possible way. We are living in the most extraordinary time of rebirth and transformation. And, we are doing it with such bravado, grace and courage. It is a time that can only be compared to when people thought the world was flat (although some still do!). No matter how they argued or wanted to believe it – no matter how hard they tried to keep that reality alive, the truth of reality was different!

One of the many wonderful gifts from the science of numerology is in discovering our life cycles. To every season there is a time to die and a time to be reborn. And, of course depending on whatever that personal cycle is for you – you always want to go with the stream and not against it. We’re in a new paradigm where we must keep surrendering to what is. The world is just doing what the world does. The difference is that we are beginning to see and believe that we can alter any experience just by changing our attitude or perception of it.

Many of us are aware that we can begin to look at this whole experience as curious observers.  Not labeling it as good or bad.  Quantum psychics is telling us that it’s all about cultivating infinite possibilities from within. When we don’t judge or label, we have the opportunity to remain in a more balanced state, thus creating rather than reacting!  Just like many masters before us, we are definitely being hard-wired to download newer and broader levels of awareness. We are becoming multi-dimensional Conscious Magical Beings!  I believe more than ever that within us all there’s a fire urging us to move beyond the external definitions and limitations of who and what we thought and to take that leap forward as the Master Creator, Director and Producer of our life. We are being presented with these enormous opportunities to make the invisible visible by believing in our own power! Moreover, by living from our intentions rather than our past programming we get to bring forth our gifts into the world and share them with others.

None of us are the same anymore. At times it may feel brutal. Evolution is not a walk in the park. Especially now because we can’t walk in the park! On a daily basis, for our own integrity, it seems we are facing our demons through the dark night of our soul. We are being guided almost moment to moment to let go of the old and to burst into new creations.  Rebirth is the energy and intention of this whole world wide experience.

And here lies the greatest secret. You are needed. You are the blessing. You are connected to all the magic that has ever come to pass. As never before, you are the Light. Brave souls, shine brightly and know you are the Bearers of Love and Light as you turn your tears and t(error) into triumph for all of humanity. Know you are counted among the constellations.  You are, just by blinking, by breathing, the proof that true love exists.  Your joy, your misery, your love, your agony, your bliss, lie in your hands. There is a way out. And the way out is in. Do not despair, it is only by turning inward that we can truly create a world of love, light, and laughter. This is the doorway to that universe. Together we are making it happen.

You are living in a dream of your own creation. The only way we are going to eclipse the outrageous pain is with outrageous love. I invite all of you in every moment to envision a life a world of outrageous health, beauty, peace, prosperity, trust, grace and love. Begin to dream your new world and let it be the dream of a lifetime, for that is exactly what it is. Let us all be radially hopeful as we are breaking open the evolution of love herself.  We are rising together. There is strength in numbers.