Awakening to the Dreams of Life…
We aren't here to be following anyone or anything. We are here to find our own path and upon doing so, empowering ourselves with the Spirit to make our own History!
We aren't here to be following anyone or anything. We are here to find our own path and upon doing so, empowering ourselves with the Spirit to make our own History!
A big shout out to all of you who are helping tip the scales with your love, light and conscious acts as you recognize and are remembering why we signed up for this adventure.
Love makes the world go round! What's more, it doesn’t take a great bit of it to make a difference; however, here lies the rub. Withholding even the slightest amount can be devastating. Now more than ever when we say yes to the aspects of love that we have denied in our selves, we become the liberator of others.
With everything revving up now more than ever Spirit is calling us to Rise! We are all in that liminal state - the threshold of being betwixt and between one era and another era that hasn't been born yet!
My wish is that for those of you who are inspired, that you find a way to create from your Soul the most extraordinary adventure to live the most awakened, clear and loving life from your Heart.
We will never know how to celebrate our ascension (evolving upwards), unless we have first felt and healed the pain of our descent into that vortex of suffering.
Now at the precipice with these fast and incredible new frequencies we are invited to continue to course-correct and make powerful new choices that will create the foundation for our new life/world!
Not only aren't we in Kansas anymore, at times it seems we aren't even in the same world where we once felt so comfortably living and breathing in.
Our journey of walking each other back home is our reawakening of the knowledge of who we truly are and will always be! Having embodied that as our truth then our entire life is then focused on empowering ourselves within that truth!
I have no explanation for the magical things I’ve seen happening as I continue to let go and invite the universe to surprise me; however, even though I don't know what works, I know what doesn't!