Creating a New Mirror…

December 17th, 2018|

Congratulations. We made it! We have all come so far and have come to know that by changing our internal circumstances we are so much more capable of changing our attitude towards any of our external circumstances. To know that how we think and feel is going to determine our state of being, not judging, criticizing or abandoning ourselves, we can stay present in our hearts, living in the infinite possibilities of creation, rather then letting emotions or fear dictate our thoughts. The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any. That was certainly true for me. It is taking great discipline for me to make the changes I realize I must commit to in order to find my way back to Myself! The bottom line is that our essential task is to awaken to that eternal world within and stop caring about [...]

Writing a New Story…

December 10th, 2018|

Simply stated one of our greatest jobs is becoming the witness of our own minds, to observe what ever is coming up in our thoughts and emotions much like clouds passing through the sky and not becoming attached to them.  Not so easy when we feel like everything is going to hell in a hand basket and we are holding on to dear life as all of our infrastructures are being reassembled. Yes, in each moment we have the capability of bringing in more peace, love and awareness; however, the $64,000 question is how can we mindfully transform the pain as we are letting go and transcending all the old tapes of fear, anxiety and overwhelm? He his newest blog, Andrew Martin said it best, “Time is flying as we are moving fast to cross the finish line.  We are at the end of one cycle with one foot in [...]

How Are You Shining Your Light?

December 4th, 2018|

by Marcy Heller The incredible beauty and truth of this awesome journey of discovery and transcendence that we are now mysteriously finding ourselves in is beyond language. It is beyond imagination. It is beyond the beyond. In this vast playground of opportunities we are being given the teachings from the most high.  What's more, because our attitude makes all the difference we are creating all of this magic by focusing on Love and Light - which is the most profound experience of all human realities. And once we find that sacred space of Divine Love it begins to speak to us through every circumstance deepening and expanding not only into our own hearts but draws us to continually seek it in others. With all the excitement of the holiday season surrounding us it also takes great discipline and grounding to make and keep the changes we are committing ourselves to [...]

Are you Shining Brightly? You are the Rainbow Light.

November 30th, 2018|

Here is the gift, the root of the root. That You, that We all, are the Rainbow Light. We carry the rainbow of all healing colors in our heart. You are the Rainbow! Instead of holding tight it is essential to let go! Spirit is intervening for all of us to become more and even more of our own fuller selves and to shine as the Rainbow Light. It is omnipotent, brilliant and collective. Everything is happening for all of us at once for our highest good. We are the Rainbow Light that is not shadowed by darkness. What's more, if our analytical minds can get over this huge concept, if the past can teach us this one thing, to open and yield to a brilliant future, to the infinite possibilities we can all rest assure that all will be well. However, it is essential that we get this one [...]

Feeling Beyond Grateful…

November 19th, 2018|

We are all feeling the shift as we are approaching the end of 2018, one of the most challenging and yet most magical and mystical years ever.  Even though all of us may be feeling frustrated, exhausted and on over-whelm, I also feel the synergy that we are all dreaming of together-the infinite possibilities that await us all and the miracles of what is to become as we and Planet Earth are being re-calibrated, refreshed and restructured. A very wise teacher once said, “I come to give you life more abundant,” I don’t think he was just suggesting owning a larger portfolio. When we think about all the situations in life, the good, the bad and the ugly, what comes up is that where there is life there is hope, no matter what. We are the luckiest and most fortunate beings to have created this adventure called Life on Planet [...]

Are You Walking the Path of Your Own Essence?

October 29th, 2018|

by Marcy Heller Here is the deepest secret nobody knows, (here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows higher than soul can hope or mind can hide) and this is the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart I carry your heart (I carry it in my heart)” ~ EE Cummings. In 2006 Sera Beak wrote the book, The Red Book: A Deliciously Unorthodox Approach to Igniting Your Divine Spark. It was an open invitation to find our true self and to start sharing that Divine Spark that is within each of us with the rest of the world. This legacy is now calling us all to dig deeper for our own truth. Now over twelve years later, there is a new healing that's crying from our collective to reclaim the lost parts of [...]

Only Six Months Later…

October 15th, 2018|

In 1955, a massive Buddha was in the process of being relocated to a new home in Bangkok, Thailand. It wasn’t an easy task because the 200 year old statue was ten feet tall and weighed over five tons. Each time the workers tried to remove it from its pedestal all the bits of colored glass, plaster and ropes broke off until finally the statue came crashing down. Rushing to assess the damage, everyone was astonished at what they saw. Even though the statue was damaged, it was on its surface only. Underneath the jagged edges and through the cracks what they saw was gold gleaming beneath.

Are You Coming Home to Yourself?

October 8th, 2018|

How many of you are ready to change this endless cycle of living almost the same day over and over again? Moment by moment, breath by breath you long to move beyond the stories and expectations; to change the script, discard the old lack and limitations. It’s time to dig deeper and discover from your own inner source the wonderful and powerful you. Moreover, you don't have to stop doing anything you're already doing. You already are everything. You already are a magnificent spiritual being whole and complete simply because you are Spirit. I believe more than ever that within us all there’s a fire burning, urging us to move beyond the external definitions and limitations of who and what we thought and to take that leap forward as the Master Creator, Director and Producer of our life. At the end of every seeker’s journey is the realization that what [...]

Are You Living the Soul-full Life You Dreamed About?

October 1st, 2018|

by Marcy Heller In the course of history, there comes a time when humanity is called to ascend and evolve to another level of consciousness. A point in history when just like a shake sheds their skin we are called to shed our fear and in that open and sacred space find the courage we desire to live the life we were born to live. For all of us that time is NOW! it's a time to up-level our hope, faith and trust by living authentically. We are all becoming more aware of what’s blazing inside ourselves. To not only know but to feel that we are more divine, trustworthy, and powerful than anything or anybody outside of us. Most of all this holy work takes time, practice, and courage to reconnect with our Divine Self. Simply because it takes time and energy to unravel everything we have eclipsed it [...]

Are You Remembering Who You Are?

September 24th, 2018|

Here we go again at another new threshold. It’s that time of year when the Libra Equinox arrives bringing a change of season. And, a change in us! As within, so without. What makes this equinox different from all others is that as never before we are so different. We have done the work and have come so very far. We can finally confess and feel comfortable in declaring we are the Light-workers!

Are you feeling crazy, or just plain exhausted?

September 17th, 2018|

After the craziness of the past few months, many of us feel like we’re a million miles away from our center. For myself it feels like I was dropped off on a parallel universe and re-entry has been quite challenging. So the question is how do we find our way back to our north star to our center point of truth and vibrate with what is happening rather than resisting our current state of affairs? How do we stay mindful so we can be in touch with the miracles that surround and are all around us everywhere, at any time? While life is filled with so much joy and so many wonderful and miraculous things at the same time many of us at this auspicious time are filled with incredible sadness and grief. Uncertainly and crazy making seems to be permeating the planet. And so, just for this moment, I [...]

Are you Ready to Take the Plunge?

July 23rd, 2018|

Congratulations my friends, we have all come so far and have come to know that by changing our internal circumstances we are so much more capable of changing our attitude towards any of our external circumstances. To know that how we think and feel is going to determine our state of being, not judging, criticizing or abandoning ourselves, we can stay present in our hearts, living in the infinite possibilities of creation, rather then letting emotions or fear dictate our thoughts.