Are You Remembering Who You Are?

Here we go again at another new threshold. It’s that time of year when the Libra Equinox arrives bringing a change of season. And, a change in us! As within, so without. What makes this equinox different from all others is that as never before we are so different. We have done the work and have come so very far. We can finally confess and feel comfortable in declaring we are the Light-workers!

2018-10-08T16:09:00+00:00September 24th, 2018|

Are you Ready to Take the Plunge?

Congratulations my friends, we have all come so far and have come to know that by changing our internal circumstances we are so much more capable of changing our attitude towards any of our external circumstances. To know that how we think and feel is going to determine our state of being, not judging, criticizing or abandoning ourselves, we can stay present in our hearts, living in the infinite possibilities of creation, rather then letting emotions or fear dictate our thoughts.

2018-07-23T15:00:46+00:00July 23rd, 2018|
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