by Marcy Heller

In the beginning of the year I wrote, ‘What incredible opportunities, potential and excitement for great change awaits all of us in 2019.’ I know in my Soul, “The only way to get this wrong is to not do it at all.”

The world is changing so fast and I know how deeply I am affected by all the changes there are in the fields of medicine, science, technology and the world at large knowing something big and ominous is happening all around us.

With all the intense energies swirling around, at times I feel that I have lost my True North. Consequently, because of feeling that absence of purpose and meaning, I decided I would be bold and make a commitment to create a personal philosophy by which I would live by. By creating a new template, religion or philosophy I knew it could assist me and possibly others in tethering themselves to their own authentic power no matter how the world was turning. Knowing how passionate I am about my practice of continuing to find my Soul, I was inspired by the writings of Thomas Moore.

In his book, ‘A Religion of One’s Own”, Moore wrote, “Whether you like it or not, you have a Soul that complains when you neglect it. And that Soul needs religion. It’s not an option. Nothing is more important than bringing Soul to everything we do. But there can be no Soul without a vivid sense of the sacred. I use the word “Soul,” another mysterious word that eludes definition, the way it comes up in everyday speech. We talk about people, places, and houses that have Soul. Soul is the unreachable depth, felt vitality, and full presence of a person or even a thing. A person with Soul gives you the feeling that he has really lived and has a strong personality. For millennia theologians and philosophers have said that the world has Soul, too. Soul is the invisible, mysterious, and softly radiant element that infuses your being and makes you human. Like plasma in your veins, it gives you a sense of meaning, feeling, connection, and depth. If you have Soul, you have a visible glow and are alive and present. When people encounter you, they see a real person. Without Soul, we and our world are dead. Without Soul there is no real substance and value, no possibility for love and care, no heart and no real power or tenderness. Without Soul we live shallow and metallic lives, not really touching each other and not engaged with the world. Without Soul we feel a hollow emptiness and a vague sense of being lost. Without Soul we become preoccupied with ourselves, because it’s the Soul that gives us a real life.”

I am creating a new world for myself by finding the sacred in everything and aligning with my core values: integrity, accountability, perseverance and discipline. I am cultivating the virtues of wisdom, courage, humanity, justice and transcendence, among others. In creating a new personal philosophy I am embracing everything that is coming up for me, while not resisting anything. I am doing this with joie de vivre, Soul, and an energy that flows through me with a new vitality present in every moment, ageless and passionate. I believe in something bigger than what my mind is telling me. I know I am both Human and Divine. In cultivating that Divine in myself, I hold on to that which is more sacred and more magnificent that what meets the eye.

This renewed faith and optimism are now here to encourage us to believe that our action in the world is having the most positive effect. Even though you may feel alone at times, know you are being assisted with all the forces in Spirit championing your success. You are making a difference. That Divine spark is all of us is coming out to cast out the outrageous pain and despair – bringing out the spiritual warrior in each of us. Whatever you are passionate about, go out into the world and follow that impulse to share whatever you do best. Do it your way and create your own personal philosophy from which to live by.

If the old ways just aren’t cutting it anymore, know that you are at a crossroads to change your life. You’re in the right place. In remembering who you truly are, miracles just seem to happen. You step into your powerful role as a co-creator with Spirit. When you support yourself by taking just one step forward the universe takes 10 steps towards you. Your vision will become become clear when you look into your heart. Your voice, your passion, your boldness is what the world needs now. There is an awakening for all of our Souls to take the initiative and to lead with wisdom, integrity and grace. When your Soul is on fire with whatever you are passionate about you possess the most powerful weapon on earth. The Hero’s Journey is not so much about ourselves, but what we can do for one another. Believe in your awesomeness, your infinity and know that as Gandhi said, “That the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service to others.” Have a gorgeous week. I love you madly.