About Mystical Marcy

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So far Mystical Marcy has created 307 blog entries.

Let the Revolution Begin…

As are all cracking through the collective and ancestral codes, seeking to re-create and amplify ourselves beyond all that we have ever known until now on this physical plane, I have come to learn that the game of life is all about Mastery and how to play it!  No longer feeling alone, adrift and confused, struggling while worrying ourselves down a slippery slope. 

2021-05-19T23:37:02+00:00April 26th, 2021|

The Birthing of the New Golden Age of Aquarius

Even though the energies have been so intense for many of us I have heard it through good authority that indeed these are the most extraordinary times where we are moving from the Self to the Whole, from being an individual to co-creating. We are doing some heavy shifting from the lower mind into the universal mind.

2021-03-01T16:20:37+00:00March 1st, 2021|
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