A Great Cause for Celebration…
Up until now we accepted through a limited mindset, these truths to be valid. However, going out on a limb here, once we have accepted the fact that we ourselves may be the main cause of our own unhappiness, we get to be so motivated to change that paradigm and get busy living the best life ever! Yes, it's that simple, it just isn't always easy!
At this incredible time in history I have come to realize we must let go of the word ‘struggle’ and now become Spiritual Warriors – to know that the future is in our own hands. Our job now is to believe in the things unseen. To believe we are worthy of lavish abundance, infinite health, love, joy and peace. To keep holding the consciousness of all that is, knowing we are worthy to receive it all!
Living in the Presence of the Divine…
When no one is certain what the future will bring, we can feel the overwhelm of uncertainty in all aspects of life; spiritually, physically, emotionally and cosmically. Through any crisis we either become a bigger soul or we become a smaller person. The Soul sees this new opportunity as another occasion to allow our Souls to create a bigger self.
Staying the Course…
When we let go of the illusion that things should be different from the way they are and surrender to what is happening (even though it could be the most uncomfortable time to do so), it could be the most amazing time to just let go and create a space to hold the vision of the new You!
What the World Needs Now…More Love!
Our Souls have created this experience we call life to accelerate and amplify the Love that we are. However, the big flaw in that vision is that most of us are not living from Love, but from the intellect of our minds.
Falling and Rising Again…
In these radical times, great emotions fall upon us as we go through changes in epic proportions. Everything, and I mean everything, that we as the collective and as individuals have held and suppressed since the beginning of time is now coming up to the surface to be reckoned with!
Leading the Way with Love…
The incredible beauty and truth of this awesome journey of discovery and transcendence that we are now mysteriously finding ourselves in is beyond language. It is beyond imagination. The key words for this new world are Expansion and Transformation - Becoming All that you can BE at this time and expanding your service to the Divine according to your Soul Blueprint.
How the Heart Grows Wise…
How we see anything, changes everything. Moreover, I would invite you to see not through your eyesight, but with a different vision a spiritual perception that comes from the eye of your heart, not the mind of your ego.
Freeing Ourselves…
Soul work for me means letting go of who I thought I was to become who I truly am beneath all those layers of false perceptions and pain. I had to dig deep to find that inner foundation to support myself.
Making Things New…
We are moving from the past, the present and the future, into Now, which is one of the aims of spiritual practice. As we stay 'in the Now' without judgment, we can feel with more clarity what is happening for us in each moment.
Up, Up and Away!
We are in the midst of the spiritual empty nest syndrome, a time of big change and loss. And even though we have been tested time and time again, in the last few years as we let go of even more old paradigms and step into the unknown it has become very clear that we are the ones we were waiting for!
Going Deeper…
The most courageous spirits in our world right now are those that know that there are two realities playing out. Instead of living in fear they are choosing to flourish no matter what the outcome may be!