Making Way for the New…

July 1st, 2024|

To paraphrase the teachings of Paul Selig and the Guides: We can never know how vast the ocean is. Simply because it's beyond the beyond. The same vastness exists when we step into our Divine Nature.

Rising Up to Meet Our New Life

June 17th, 2024|

The Universe is prompting all of us to go within and to reshape our world. The frequencies we are experiencing are leading us all down the rabbit hole. Especially since our universe is pruning all of the energies that are not aligned with Truth and Love.

Accepting the Presence of Uncertainty…

March 25th, 2024|

This is not about endings, it's about being present in the Now, accepting all the chaos, dramas and challenges, so we can collectively give birth and create a different humanity, while not losing ourselves and our ability to dream a different reality that is trying to come into our existence!

Dancing to a Different Drum…

March 11th, 2024|

In this brand new and ever evolving terrain, we are crossing the river of change and now more than ever we are in need of wise and loving guidance so we don’t lose our way within the tremendous influx of fear, doubt and uncertainty that continues permeating our planet. So many Souls are feeling so many emotions coming to the surface to feel and heal these ancestral traumas in our lives.

Being Broke Open…

February 26th, 2024|

Even though the Phoenix is Rising and many of us are feeling the push/pull, I feel that no matter what is to come from these ashes of the ages of darkness that we have endured through eternity, no matter how harsh, challenging or uncomfortable, we will prevail.

Abundant Prosperity

February 12th, 2024|

The conditions in which we are now finding ourselves are the gateways to discovering the genuine purpose of our lives. In times of uncertainty the only thing to be certain of is our own inner strength and truth. To be alive at this time means to witness, willingly or unwillingly, the upheaval of the world, where anything goes.

Life is But a Dream…

February 5th, 2024|

Now that we are aware that we cannot solve any issue from the same perspective that our consciousness created it, we can understand that the most important thing we have is our consciousness.

Turning the Corner into 2024!

January 1st, 2024|

I heard it on good advice that we are not here to save the world. The reason we are here then is to experience and know for the first time ever that we are the world!

I Can Only Imagine

December 11th, 2023|

We are at the precipice of a new creation story that is unfolding within and without! We are in the doorway of two worlds—the new consciousness and the old consciousness.