About Mystical Marcy

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So far Mystical Marcy has created 307 blog entries.

Living in the Presence of the Divine…

When no one is certain what the future will bring, we can feel the overwhelm of uncertainty in all aspects of life; spiritually, physically, emotionally and cosmically. Through any crisis we either become a bigger soul or we become a smaller person. The Soul sees this new opportunity as another occasion to allow our Souls to create a bigger self.

2023-10-23T12:18:20+00:00September 9th, 2023|

Leading the Way with Love…

The incredible beauty and truth of this awesome journey of discovery and transcendence that we are now mysteriously finding ourselves in is beyond language. It is beyond imagination. The key words for this new world are Expansion and Transformation - Becoming All that you can BE at this time and expanding your service to the Divine according to your Soul Blueprint.

2023-08-21T15:01:37+00:00July 31st, 2023|
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