by Marcy Heller

Please know that deep in my heart lies a true desire to assist and uplift each and everyone of you as much as possible in all ways, always. So on that note, thank you for taking the time to read and share these next few paragraphs.

To get this party started, the most important question I want to ask you today is, ‘Do you feel Loved?’ In this ever changing world where we are constantly being bombarded as if we were immersed in an amusement park with so many distractions that take our focus away from inside ourselves, I want to remind us that the main thing is the main thing, is the main thing…Do you feel Loved?

In the 1977 movie ‘Saturday Night Fever’, the hit/theme song was “How Deep is Your Love.” It ends like this: “And it’s me you need to show, How deep is your Love, how deep is your Love?”

I can only speak for myself, I Am learning that unless we can go within and truly Love ourselves unconditionally, we are going to continue to manifest many of the conflicts, flaws and blocks that keep us from experiencing the ability to be free. Much less manifesting that illusion of the Gold Ring. With so many ways being presented to us for loving, living and manifesting, it is no wonder we feel confused, conflicted and overwhelmed. So today, I want to encourage your own journey towards empowerment and enlightenment by focusing on that million dollar question – Do I Love myself? Because if we don’t feel that Love, it creates the energy of feeling ‘we don’t deserve’, and then we seem to sabotage ourselves (or whatever that gold ring/desire is.) When we feel the vibration of Love, we are so aligned with the Universal law of Love that we easily and effortlessly are able to create. When we are tweaked with the magic of Divine Love, all that energy, like a symphony filled with the hormones of endorphins, serotonin and oxytocin surge through our bodies, electrifying and renewing our passions of joy. Our whole Being becomes inspired! That energy/frequency opens up a portal that leads us to infinite possibilities to Expect Miracles! Moreover, the Light will illuminate far and wide into the world. Your heart will expand and open wider than ever before, your divine destiny will be revealed and your soul will simply soar. Being immersed in a dimension that is transcendental is transcending ordinary consciousness into something extraordinary.

Our Souls have created this experience we call life to accelerate and amplify the Love that we are. However, the big flaw in that vision is that most of us are not living from Love, but from the intellect of our minds. When we live in our head, we’re dead. We live in a world that seems to celebrate everything about performance, achievement, prosperity, wealth, social standing, etc. We eclipsed our own core-values under the weight of the rules that the world handed down to us. From the time we are born we have been taught to believe in looking for the treasures outside of ourselves-instead of being recognized and celebrated for who we are. We have been taught to repress, hold back, be polite and be respected from living through our left-brain. Being in our heads for most of us means we refrain from speaking our truth. We are not authentic. We are not living our Bliss from our hearts and consequently hold back from expressing the thoughts and feelings that allow our passions and our dreams to come true and to thrive. We have lost that loving feeling to a world that we don’t even recognize anymore. We have traded our uniqueness for acceptance. We have betrayed ourselves and then wonder why others have betrayed us. We have abandoned who we truly are so we could be accepted by those who live in this world that we don’t even relate to anymore.

Many times when we speak words of joy, in a lot of cases it falls on deaf ears. For many of us now, we have lost our voice! The voice of our Soul! Consequently, we are focused more on doing, than becoming, leading us to be governed by our minds alone. We haven’t let our imaginations soar, least we be judged that we are not being realistic, sensible or responsible. In many cases we have allowed others to rule our lives when they couldn’t even run theirs! We are now healing those wounds of not loving ourselves because of the shame or blame that has been forced upon us, and now the ‘work’ our Souls are screaming for us to heal is to reconnect with the Love that we are. To get back that Loving feeling.

We are at a precipice now where we are all being called to reach out for a higher state of consciousness. One with much more compassion and Love for ourselves and others. Our Souls are screaming for us to change our perception of ourselves and start behaving and feeling like the Gods/Goddesses we are. It is essential as we mid-wife this new universe that we start taking our Souls more seriously, rather than judging our Spiritually as something weird, or “woo-woo”! When we start Loving ourselves and have compassion for our journey, we transform our lives. When we start living from our hearts and Souls, we are following our own Divine Blueprint exactly has the Creator had intended us to be all along! Getting out of our minds brings us Grace. Miracles occur. Manifesting comes with ease and grace.

As we stated in our book, ‘The Spiritual Archaeologist’, “Divine Love has but one response when we genuinely seek it, it causes itself to be found. The energy of Divine Love opens the eyes of our soul to see past our humanity into the depth and completeness of this Love. It causes all our character defects and faults to disintegrate one by one. It can turn a heart of stone into a heart of Love.”

Pink is the color energy of Love. It is soft and gentle. Surround yourself in that pink light today. Open your heart and feel the Love. The Love that is there for you. The Love that will never leave you. The Love that you have for who and what you are. The Love for all you have been and done and for all that you still expect to be. Love is the only power. And to the extent that we Love ourselves will determine our power. Mary Magdalene wrote it so perfectly in her gospels, “go to where your Love has never been before and feel that expansion. To become fully human and fully divine is called ‘Anthropos’, the child of true Humanity. We can all practice living in a state of union by returning again and again to the soul that sits like a treasure here inside our very human hearts. To become the presence of Love in every moment!”

Like a pearl that lies inside the scallop shell, I invite you to go within, find your own treasure, your own voice and discover perhaps for the first time in your life the gifts of learning to have a personal relationship with the Divine Love that is within and without you. Look and you shall find. Then become it. As they say in Zen, “If you can’t find it where you are standing, where do you wander in search of it?” It’s has been there for you waiting all along.

You are living in a dream of your own creation. Let it be the dream of a lifetime, for that is exactly what it is. Everything great has been achieved because someone stepped out of their comfort zone and with extreme care created something different. They found their genius and shared their he(ART), in an exceptionally particular, intelligent and creative way. Every day, we can participate in making the dream of creation manifest. We dream together, creating the world anew in each moment. As you transform your personal dream, you participate in choosing a new vision for the world. As you wake up, you can help others wake up with you.

Don’t wait for Love to choose you. Remember to focus and make Love the main thing. The main thing, is the main thing, is the main thing. In each moment, choose to Love yourself. This is such a profound yet underrated understanding. We do not have to wait for Love to chose us, we simply have to choose Love in each moment. In choosing Love in each now moment you are basking, connecting and swimming in the vortex of the enormous vibration in the highest vibrational field that exists within you.