Brave Hearts, the feel is real but the why is a lie. As we are in the midst of this deeply transformative month of April a holy and sacred time, when the energies feel real but the why is a lie. The challenge here is to take a quantum leap with ourselves, each other and with our communities and know as Gandi stated, “We have to become the change we are looking for.” Once we can tether ourselves to the core of who we are (Divine, Eternal Self), and start making changes from the inside out the outer-world responds with magic, syncronicities and guidance on where and what to do next. It’s time to play from all four burners using our skills, gifts and wisdom to give birth to new creations. After all we are here to be creators not controllers! The old has faded away so the lie mentioned above it that our egos are still telling us what we need to fear and hold on to to stay safe!

April has opened up for us infinite opportunities to live free from limitation by not judging or labeling anything. For example, when we judge or curse it we claim it, Moreover, when we love it we can set it free. Understanding the idea that there is no good or bad we can accept that it’s all energy, love whatever comes up and set it free!

As Andrew Martin wrote, “When we accept this then the ideas of wanted or unwanted, good or bad become subsumed by our embodiment of the truth. The truth that we are not just connected to All That Is. We ARE All That is. There is no difference or separation.”

On that note, Patricia Coates-Robels, tells us in her newest newsletter, “Humanity and ALL Life evolving on this sweet Earth are in the midst of the most intensified purging process we have experienced to date. The outer-world effect of this cleansing process makes it appear as though everything that can go wrong is going wrong. That is because everything that conflicts with the patterns of perfection for the New Earth is being pushed to the surface to be healed and transmuted back into Light. We can easily see the surfacing negativity. What we cannot see as easily is the tremendously powerful Light of God that is pushing the negativity up to be healed in our individual and our collective lives.

The Divine Intent of this intensified cleansing process is to help Humanity move through this facet of the unfolding Divine Plan much more quickly, so that we can clear the way for the manifestation of the patterns of Transfiguring Divine Love, Oneness, Reverence for ALL Life, Abundance and God’s Eternal Peace which are associated with the New Earth.”

When we keep our eyes and hearts open the opportunities for growth, expansion and heightened awareness will come to us all in the least expected and imaginable ways. What’s more we have a plethora of Angelic help and counsel to assist us as we go through these time-lines and give birth to our new superhuman selves.

When we stay in a much higher vibration and not allow fear to block our magic while aligning to our higher selves magic happens and we feel our broader selves experiencing more oneness, peace, grace and transformation. This alone creates pure joyful motivation to do more of the same

“The verdict is in”, writes Maureen Moss, “Certainly the month of March didn’t give us a pass to relax. The prices and prizes of evolution became more distinctively clear. From the salt of the earth, to the star spangled skies, our souls, higher Self and every thing, thought, particle and being in between is consciously or unconsciously, and often piercingly, further helping each of us separate fact from fiction … either by contrast or harmony…to clarify and unify our truest nature and begin what may often appear as an unconventional new life. Mayhem and miracles will collide and Divine Consciousness take over more often than not. If need be we must double our efforts, in this ratified time, to let go, let go, let go of all struggle and everything projected. The second you detect a pressure-forming split in your consciousness let your consciousness go, and replace it with nothing of your own making. Create space for Divine revelation through your Higher Self to be received. You are the channel through which everything comes and goes.”

We have come here to be inspired (in spirit) to dream. We came onto this physical plane temporarily to create through the flying carpet ride of the imagination. So as you turn to your creative genius self today ask yourself, how do I want to feel? What do you need to make this the best moment ever? And, then make it a memory you won’t forget! Don’t give up the ship! You are unsinkable. You are Divine. You are here to experience your greatness! Live your life as only You can. Make of yourself a Light.

As a tribe, it’s my wish that we may all be lights for ourselves and each other in times that feel the darkest. We create much more not by thinking but by feeling. ‘I am that which I seek’. Only you know you are the keeper of who you truly are and you are the only one that can give yourself permission to live it!

Let us all raise our glasses and celebrate with all the holy, broken and downtrodden. Hallelujah – We are the unique ecstatic, evolutionary orchestra for evolutionary change. There is no Me anymore. There is only We! And We are changing the world as we are discovering new ways of coming together. Reality needs US! L’Chaim “to life!”

Wishing you a happy and joyful Passover and Easter season. May your life be blessed with abundant love, infinite health, exalted blessings and divine grace as we travel forward together. I send you love. Live the best day ever as you take that quantum leap while cherishing the magic, the mystical and the magnificence of you.