by Marcy Heller

Our higher self is where our power lies. We are so much more than our minds can ever conceive. Moreover, up until now we have been diminished by the old structures that kept us in fear. Once we realize how much more we are than just what our thoughts tell us, and aligned with our Divine Self, infinite possibilities await us! Beyond our physical being there lies a realm within us that is pure potential. As Rumi wrote, ““Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right doing there is a field. I’ll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass the world is too full to talk about.”

From this sacred place, where there lies a vortex of infinite possibilities (especially miracles), we can expand in every way. Up until now it had been so easy to align with the collective consciousness that created so much fear, rendering all our authority to another power, just by feeling that they must know more than we do ourselves. The time has come for us to take back our power and know who you are, what you are, and how you serve!

When we allow ourselves to go within, we end up broadcasting the larger portion of who we truly are, our own authentic, magnetic and magical selves. After all, meditation is just awakening to our own consciousness. We eclipse the limited version of who we had previously shown up as in our everyday life, and by consequently following this path, the benefits that we get to discover are our true destiny. We are following our North star to fulfillment, and eventually to enlightenment.

Recognizing that we hold this power by aligning with what feels true is what it means to become more conscious, to be awake. Having a direct connection to the Divine is essential in navigating life’s challenges. Yet, many of us still do not understand how this deep connection, (or lack of) influences everything in our lives! When we are in our knowing we feel safe! Everything we tell ourselves now is how we are exercising and playing out our stories. This is how the Divine is communicating with us. This psychic hotline within ourselves is the greatest gift ever devised by the G-ds so we can keep moving forward according to our Soul’s Blueprint for these very transcendental times. This is one of our biggest responsibilities in being on a spiritual journey today, to be anchored to the Light, when every one and every thing expands to its fullest potential! Since we are on a rocket ship path to higher consciousness we must continue to put ourselves into gear and work on all our cylinders to navigate this new earth.

We’ve been through so much over the past 20 months and pretty much are still feeling broken. However, this is not the end, it is merely a pause, as Michael Meade wrote, “We live in a time of overwhelming challenges and seemingly impossible tasks. Yet, this is not the end of time, but a break in the rhythm of history that also creates openings to the realm of great imagination and the possibility of reconnecting to the Soul of the World. When time cracks, the moment opens to eternity, making knowledge and wisdom available. Such moments of awakening become “lived time;” time fully lived in which we awaken to a greater sense of the world and our place in it. Change is the essence of life; but as people face great changes and an unknown future, they tend to become fearful. As fear spreads, most try to cling to something familiar and try to control things in order to reduce the terror of being overwhelmed. Yet, the overwhelming lesson of history, on both collective and individual levels, is that closing down and holding tight to familiar things does not work. Amid such massive disorientation one of the few ways to find sense and meaning is to find the inner order, the shape and style of one’s own soul. If there is no change at the level of soul, there can be no meaningful change at the level of the world. After all, the human soul has an innate connection to nature and an intrinsic concern for the entire planet as well as the cosmos. The modern world, plagued by false rhetoric and tormented by intensifying polarities and ancient animosities, suffers from a collective loss of soul. Given the size and dimensions of contemporary problems and the fact that all aspects of both culture and nature are threatened, this is the exact time to awaken the underlying soul that secretly sustains both individual life and the life of the earth. What we are facing is not simply a collapse of culture or a clash of civilizations; rather we are in a struggle for the dignity and meaning of the individual soul and a battle for the Soul of the World.”

Living with this uncertainty and so much more, it is essential to practice fierce grace and gratitude by owning our power! It is the ground of rebirth and creativity and especially something to hold on to as we find ways to reset our nervous systems. As we go deeper to reconnect with our hearts, the earth and with our fierce grace, we can discover a sacredness of how special it is to be Alive on this wholly ground called Earth at this time!

We are all discovering for ourselves that the dissolution and the destruction of the old outworn ideas and illusions does not have to end in hopelessness and despair. Like all deaths, it is opening up and giving us the opportunity to give birth to a new force and a wider and more illuminated presence of the Divine within all of us. With all of our challenges, we must always remember to keep our eye on what IS working and to keep course-correcting towards that joy within, which is the ultimate nature of reality and the fuel for all authentic survival. In the spirit of this joy, keep celebrating the infinite amount of joy and gratitude that resides at our core and that cannot be destroyed even by the worst agony and the most devastating defeat. From joy all beings have come, by joy they all live, and unto joy they all return.

I am so passionate for exploring and sharing ways to tap into this infinite field of possibilities so that we can dream a new life into being and directly improve our lives in every way: materially, emotionally, physically, and spiritually-leaving the world a better place!

And even though this transformation isn’t sweet nor easy as everything comes to the surface to become new again, we can congratulate ourselves for digging deeper, knowing with any transformation we have to descend deeper to find our woundedness, so the greater self within us is revealed. Knowing at the same time with this quality of change, just as if you would feel giving birth, the times can be chaotic and quite intense. This is not for the faint-of-heart, as we are being initiated into something bigger, better and more wiser than we could have ever dreamed possible. As much as you can, have mercy and compassion for yourself and others. The energies can affect us in so many different ways. Be in gratitude and joy. Commit to a practice that will help you stay alert, grounded, grateful and most of all, hydrated!

May you all continue to be Blessed, as you are each such a Blessing to me. Remember every moment you are creating your story. As you celebrate your Greatness, open to receive more Love than you ever dreamed possible! Falling in love is only one half of what we want. Staying in love is the rest! In the end, what we are seeking is not the riches of the world, but the richness of our souls; and this can only come from realizing that we are connected and whole. Simply put: We are One!