by Marcy Heller
Happy New Year! Here’s to 2025 – a new year with expanded awesome possibilities, infinite potential and the beauty of our shared vision of Oneness. This is not a new Chapter. This year is a New Book!
As we are ascend on our path of Mastery, I heard it on good advice that we are not here to save the world. We must remember what we’re here to do – take care of ourselves first, so as we fill the container from within, so we will be able to help and take care of others.
While staying the course of saving yourself, please also remember that we are here to experience and know for the first time ever, that we ARE the world! Perfect just the way you are, Flawless and Magnificent! Don’t try to believe. Just start loving yourself more and then even more. Fall in love with yourself in every moment. Every moment we are creating our story. There is no one more important than You! As you celebrate your Greatness, open to receive more Love than you ever dreamed possible! To have love you must continue to find where love goes. Falling in love is only one half of what we want. Staying in love is the rest! In the end, what we are seeking is not the riches of the world, but the richness of our souls; and this can only come from realizing that we are all connected and whole just the way we are. Simply put: We are One!
Now take a blessed breath and breathe that in. Today on these first days of the new year – the newborn Light, the Miracle Manifestors. Through this process of expansion, in each moment, you can create the highest expression of all that you are. Live life at its highest level in every moment while illuminating your Light for all to see. No pressure!
This is not just a new year. It is the creation of a new story! We are in the doorway of two worlds—the new consciousness and the old consciousness. And even though we are treading softly, taking baby steps as we learn to cross the bridge from the world of the past into the new world, there are still many of us that feel we are still in the un-chartered territories of ‘No Man’s Land’.
Feeling that uncertainty and not always feeling fully grounded, moving forward it is essential to have a new perception so the transformation can happen within ourselves. Big changes are happening for all of us in ways we have never seen or experienced in this magnitude of change. Therefore, we have to think of it in new ways. We have to change the story we are use to telling ourselves. No longer can we hold on to our preferences of what we think is right for us, but instead to surrender to what is and trusting that the universe wants more for us then we can even imagine!
2025 is a 9 year. In numerology, 9 is completion. This is a year of releasing and forgiveness. Letting go of anything that does not love and support us so we can create space for everything new. Last but not lea,st surrendering to what is. For resisting anything just creates more pain!
This is the time to reflect on what you want to bring forward and what you need to disconnect from and release on this new day, new year. To align your puffy heart, mind, and soul to keep creating with what serves your highest good. This is a significant moment for setting intentions and creating a solid foundation for the year ahead.
In this creation of a new way of life, we must begin at the beginning, with our own individual transformation. As we keep moving forward, affirming our worthiness and gratitude for all that we are and for all that we have!
Our higher self is our power. Take pause. Remember that even when life challenges become too intense it is always a massive spiritual up-leveling to help us in the ascension process. The sole reason of many of our challenges is not to punish us but it is an evolutionary shift that our Souls created for that same purpose. To grow! Leonard Cohen sang so well in his song ‘Anthem’, There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.”
As we are letting go, like all deaths, it is opening up and giving us the opportunity to give birth to a new force and a wider and more illuminated presence of the divine within all of us. With everything we are facing, it is essential that we never forget how truly powerful we are. Joy is our birthright! Our Power and Spirit can never be destroyed even by the worst agony and the most devastating defeat. It is up to us to ask, and to know we are worthy of receiving more love, joy, prosperity, beauty, grace, truth, fun and peace. From joy all beings have come, by joy they all live, and unto joy they all return. Just like Gandhi had always taught ‘Be the Change you wish to see in the world.’
We came here to be the catalyst, to flip everything so we could rebuild and create a new Earth. It seems we needed the chaos to wake us up as a society. We had to have ‘the eve of destruction so as to rebuild a new spiritual infrastructure! As humanity wakes up and the Universe begins to broadcast a new frequency, humanity has become more conscious of the shift. We all are beginning to feel everything that is changing and vibrating at these new frequencies. Basically we are letting go of what energies, people, places, things, that no longer serve so we can make space for what is sacred and does matter!
Keep remembering, you are the Light. Brave souls, shine brightly and know you are the Bearers of Love and Light as you turn your tears and t(error) into triumph for all of humanity. You are, just by blinking, by breathing, the proof that true love exists. Your joy, your misery, your love, your agony, your bliss, lie in your hands. There is a way out. And the way out is in. Do not despair, it is only by turning inward that we can truly create a world of love, light, and laughter. Keep celebrating the infinite amount of joy and gratitude that resides at our core that cannot be destroyed even by the worst agony and the most devastating defeat.
We have much more to do. Let’s do it together! Let us do it in wisdom, with love and compassion. Let us make this the human experience, to embrace the frightened parts of ourselves and choose love no matter what. This requires much awareness and blissipline/discipline!
Thank you for being a catalyst and container for peace, love and beauty. Each of you is part of the whole and so needed. I believe that is one of the reasons we are always looking up at the stars. They are reminding us that we are the dreamers! We are tied to the stars. We humans are all playing our part in the unfolding of this incredible, awesome universe. We are all interconnected.