by Marcy Heller

Dear Courageous Spiritual Champions,

Hallelujah! Here’s to US! The wild, the weird and the trailblazers who are continuing to map their own journey, to ride the waves on their own seas and for those who wander but are certainly not lost!  For you, the leaders, the way–showers and the heart driven star-seeds who are searching and living the truth of their own hearts, thank you all for walking the road less traveled, and living your passion with purpose. Thank you for staying awake and nourishing your souls, not starving your destinies, but beating to your own drum, daring to be, in and feel love!

This is our purpose, to live authentically, openly and honestly anchoring the light until we become a source of uncovered light and love. Then life pours forth to renew us with each heart and soul we are graced to touch.

Through these last years we now have come to learn that crisis ignites evolution. We are all fully experiencing the greatest adventure in human history – conscious evolution. In going through this, as the scientist, Bruce Lipton writes, “We are now forced to let go and shed that image that we were victims and now we evolve from passive victims to responsible co-creators.  We must cultivate the confidence of knowing who we truly are.”

Certainly in the last year, over and over again, we have all received the opportunity to accept life and face whatever challenges and difficulties that came our way and then ask our Divine Higher Self ‘What have you come here to teach me, and ‘How can I find the Light through these cracks’?

It is my core belief that even more so in 2021, we have all been Broken Open in ways we could never have imagined. Through Divine intervention we are survived and thrived through a lot of pain and trauma only to grow and ascend more.

We now have the potential to create a new normal that is making it possible to thrive beyond our wildest dreams. However, the one key we require to unlock that door is that we have to be willing to change our perspective of who and what we are. Many are still unaware of our own power and that we have now become the bridge between heaven and earth. Taking baby steps and learning to cross the bridge from the world that is saying bye-bye into the new world that is not quite here yet requires a new perception. The essential and necessary revolution must happen within ourselves. What’s more, everything depends on our attitude – our attitude toward ourselves. It is essential for all of us to no longer diminish ourselves and claim ourselves in a new way, not judging, feeling we should be this or that, to sing a new song, create a different story. What is your new sound-track going to feel and sound like?  This new way of being not only transforms ourselves but everything that is all around us. It is that simple. Are you ready to step into your power? Say yes to the yes in you!

We will never be the same. Moreover, when I look at what I have gained, what has become sacred and not  what has been deleted, I feel so grateful.  As a mediator for many years, now more than ever I so appreciate and know how essential it is for me to treasure this sacred time to take a step back and allow myself the necessary time to reflect on what I care about most. Some days I feel like a monk, for all I want to do is to thank my Angels, Guides and Higher Self for all that I AM and all that I can do to alleviate not only my suffering but the suffering of all human beings.

Up until now we have lived and experienced a world that worshiped limitations and what is not possible! I believe no matter what will come – no matter how harsh, challenging or uncomfortable, we are all thriving in one way or another. Moreover, even now after discovering how human, how entirely messy and magical we were born to be we can see the light at the end of the tunnel and realize that the gateways are opening and that spiritual gifts are developing to and through us all the time.

Onward and upwards my courageous and wonderful Way-Finders, Light Workers, Warriors of Light and Star seeds. You are not alone. Thank you for continuing to show up on a daily basis. As I write this, know that there are beings of Light on the earth plane as energetic beings assisting us and making an impact in dismantling that dark screen of consciousness. I have heard that the amount of power of Light that is working on our behalf would blow our minds. The unrest is going to play out and we have a choice what we want to believe in. As we are taking our power back, remember even though we can’t see it the dark side is not going to win. It might get louder; however it is going to dissolve. The Light is going to win  It will not dissolve without a fight so we must be as courageous as possible. The Force is always with us! Remember as we shine our Light, a critical mass of human beings are arising because of our Work! We have to Trust. We have to Choose. We have to Believe.

I wish you the best holiday season you can imagine filled with more Light and Love. I want to thank all of you, my Family and my Tribe for all your love and support during these incredible times. I feel so grateful for all that you continue to do and to share so that I can awaken even more to the incredible gifts that I AM blessed to receive. Moreover, let’s all continue to hold the vision of Amazing Grace for ourselves and the world that all of our dreams becoming realities and we can create a world where there is infinite health, compassion, never-ending peace, kindness and unconditional, divine love in a world that works for everyone!  Always remember just keep imagining there are more ways for the universe to surprise and delight you than you can ever imagine! Open to receive all your rewards for lifetimes of service to humanity and last but not least, let there be Peace on Earth and Let it Begin with US!