by Marcy Heller

Never before have we as a society been given this opportunity to change our World. Legendary Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu said, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” Moreover, it doesn’t matter how many people are surrounding us we still have to dare greatly with each step and with each choice we make in our wild, weird and wonderful world.

The brilliant teacher and author, Brene’ Brown wrote, “There will be times when standing alone feels too hard, too scary, and we’ll doubt our ability to make our way through the uncertainty. Once we belong thoroughly to ourselves and believe thoroughly in ourselves, true belonging is ours. Belonging to ourselves means being called to stand alone—to brave the wilderness of uncertainty, vulnerability, and criticism. And with the world feeling like a political and ideological combat zone, this is remarkably tough. We seem to have forgotten that even when we’re utterly alone, we’re connected to one another by something Spirituality is recognizing and celebrating that we are all inextricably connected to each other by a power greater than all of us, and that our connection to that power and to one another is grounded in love and compassion.”

As star-seeds, pioneers and trail-blazers, in every moment, with every step we take, we are laying our path. More than ever we must keep dusting ourselves off and forging our own way. What’s more, it takes so much fortitude and courage for each of us to follow our own true-north, going in the same direction; however, we are each choosing a different road less traveled to get there!

For myself, there are times when standing alone has felt too hard, too scary, and definitely too uncertain! Yet, these are and were the experiences that have made me who I AM today. The independent, courageous, resilient and most powerful Being I can be! And, this may sound harsh; however, I owe it to everyone to be the Best ME!  Somehow, somewhere when we reach deep into our selves we know we can, we will and we have done it! We have been in the wilderness of insecurity, uncertainty and fear and have survived. How do I know? Because if you are now reading this you are here! You have not just survived, if you have come this far reading these musings, you are also thriving!

We are all extraordinary by design. Everything you say is an act of creation. This is who you are. Moreover, this path we are embarking on is not about yoga or going to workshops (which are all good), it is about finding out what makes you tick! What is your truth? Because at the end of the day the only occupant of your life is you!

One of the most powerful sentences is a quote from Thomas Merton, “This day will never come again.” So again, what do you want to do with your one and precious day / life? There is no time to waste because this day will never come again. You will never experience what you feel today no matter what! It becomes a living Truth. It means we don’t have time to waste for small things. More than ever it is essential to have a practice. A structure to contain your sacred and holy power. It is essential to get over your own fear. To know you are that magnificent! The rules of your life must change so you can fully embody as a powerful instrument for the sacred. This is what Spiritually is all about. This is the work!

The magical world will always be confusing and it will never make sense. It will always depend on you surrendering. Being in your heart and trusting. It’s a state of mind and it doesn’t come with a road map. We can’t Google map it!  We have to get out of our own way to hear the next step to take. We have to become greater than ourselves so we can serve the Whole with all that we have. It’s not what we take from life but how we become an instrument for the whole of life on behalf on everyone else!  Most of us now realize our lives are so much more than what we have in our portfolio or what vehicle we may be driving. The fact that we woke up today is more than enough!

We don’t have to sit high on a mountaintop in the Himalayas waiting to be initiated to become a mystic or a master. Once we are living on purpose it gives meaning to our life. More than ever, we must build our infrastructure on what we value.

In addition, what I have also learned from Brene’ Brown is that true belonging is the practice of believing in and belonging to yourself so deeply that you can share your most authentic self, your extraordinary being with the world. On that note, I am dancing as fast as I can to keep belonging to myself while being authentic and trying not to alienate others! With my intention every day I AM following my passion. I am cultivating the courage, compassion, and communication each moment to ask my Soul what do I need to know or to do for the most benevolent outcome for all? What’s more, we all need to include prayer to go deep in our inner practice. Prayer is power because it changes the speed in which we grow, and once we align with the nature of our Souls through prayer and grace, we are hard-wired to continue to receive instructions all the time. The irony is that the more you give the more that is given to you. A rising tide lifts all ships! All humanity benefits!

Whether it be the visionary, pioneer, magician, artist, healer, teacher, doctor, attorney, or courageous warrior, we are being asked to re-enchant and re-imagine our world, and to see it with a new vision without abandoning ourselves. However, along the way we must keep course-correcting no matter what map we are following. We must know that we cannot forsake ourselves. No matter what is happening on the outside, know we are not dying, we are being re-oriented! We aren’t in the field of Infinite Potential WE ARE the field of Infinite Potential!