by Marcy Heller

Dearest Courageous Spiritual Champions,

Welcome to a new day and a new week as we continue to experience the Great Transformation. It is always important to know when something has ended. Closing doors, cutting cords, finishing chapters, no matter what we name it; what matters is to be here now as we are writing a newer, better and happier story!

Take pause and know you have now landed in the new and improved Universe. The sky is the limit! Moreover, since we are now writing not only a new chapter, we have begun an entirely new book! As it was written many years ago by Lao Tzu, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”

We are moving from the past, the present and the future, into Now, which is the aim of spiritual practice. As we stay in the Now, letting go without judgment, we can breathe easier and can get a clearer view of what we are focusing on so we can get a reading about what is happening for us in each moment. This is where our power lies. When we become the observer, whatever our intention is in that moment, we can change and up-level into something or someone even greater. We are at the precipice of a huge quantum leap and since there is strength in numbers, the more of us who are awake and conscious on this journey of self-healing, the more we can elevate not only our individual vibration but the collective’s as well. We have made the great shift and now we have become relentless and unstoppable! As the poet Hafiz quoted, “I wish I could show you…the astonishing Light of your own being.”

As much as you can, please have mercy for yourself and others. The energies can affect us in so many different ways. It is imperative to stay in the upper room, not the basement. In other words, as much as possible stay in gratitude, love and joy. Commit to a practice that will help you stay alert, grounded, grateful and hydrated. We are being offered incredible opportunities that will not only benefit ourselves but all of humanity.

Since we are all here to learn lessons of love, we are going to learn them through health, wealth or relationships. Now we are being given the the freedom to align with our Higher Self and course correct toward the life we were born to live by cultivating partnership with our own Higher Self. (And, if you are not sure of what that blueprint is, please schedule a numerology reading with me to find out what your creative genius/blueprint holds.) When we have a sense of purpose, not only can we heal emotionally and whatever else that is plaguing us can be eclipsed when we are aligned with our own Divinity, being in touch with our wholeness and grounding ourselves in self-mastery rather than living from our scattered selves, manipulated by our own minds that are still hard-wired to run on flight or fight and imprinted with our own ancestral fears.

The law of attraction says that anything is possible. It will also keep reminding us that we are always manifesting the sum of our virtues, attitudes, thoughts, feelings and beliefs. Therefore, it is essential to keep reminding ourselves of what we want to focus on, since all of our judgments will most likely come back to haunt us.

The teacher and author Richard Gordon, wrote in his book, ‘Hacking the Law of Attraction’, “Everything we do as we co-create our new world is based on the energy of what we are putting out there. That energy is drawing to us everything we experience. Of course, our intention and worthiness to receive is also a great barometer for allowing what does come in to our lives as well. The great news is that when we change our consciousness we change our world! If we want to create heaven on earth we can’t entangle ourselves in the lower creations of consciousness any more. Everything is an extension of ourselves. When we choose lack, separation, struggle, and judgment, all exists in a lower level of consciousness. When we focus on any of the above it is always going to take us out of heaven on earth! Just allow this information to expand. Integrate whatever resonates and trust what you will create. It is simple, it just isn’t easy.  We don’t progress until we learn to make things right. This can be a very difficult concept to accept if your life has been filled with much suffering. In time, with enough growth, it can become self-evident. This was probably the most challenging belief for me that shifted. It involved letting go of all feelings of being a victim and it opened me to a profound sense of gratitude and a deeper understanding of the miraculous synchronicity of this world. If you let the concept in, the reality is not happening to us, but it is happening for us, the impact of this realization can truly be life-changing.”

Each of us has taken the road less traveled and for that and so much more, I am so grateful to be journeying together. For this one short and sweet wonderful life we live, keep loving with all your heart. Today, reach out and let someone know how much you love them. For you may never have that chance again!

Always remember You are a living Miracle, expressing Love and Creation in all you do!  Here’s to the life of your dreams. Reality needs you more than ever!  You are here to anchor and share your energy at the highest vibration you can for all of Humanity. You are a living Miracle, expressing Love and Creation in all you do! Here’s to the life of your dreams. Reality needs you more than ever!