by Marcy Heller

In 1928, the famous composer Cole Porter, wrote the song, ‘Let’s Do It, Let’s Fall in Love’. Today I invite you all to fall in Love with Yourselves! Why? Simply put, because of you daring to be greater than you were before. To be awake enough to see how we can continue to become the best we can be. To be able to experience ourselves in new ways, everyday. Not only are We the most courageous, but we are also becoming the most authentic beings ever to set foot on this glorious planet we call Earth. What Courage it is taking everyday to keep creating new ways of seeing ourselves. We are facing our fears and in letting go of what no longer works for us. We are through our de-cluttering of our own psyches creating space where infinite possibilities can land as we are aligning with our own Divine Selves!

In the new book, channeled by Paul Selig, the Guides are sharing with us, “The reason you incarnate is not to become better people or more spiritual. It’s to re-know yourself as who you have always been. And the offering of this text- if, indeed, you wish it-is not only an amplification of the divine presence that you are, but an escalating understanding of how the world operates as a structure, with architecture that can be understood, and, indeed, altered, by the transmission that you hold. In a world made new, you as Ambassador become the actors-the ones accepting and then expressing your true nature.”

Our true nature is that we already are Divine! Know that as creative change agents and path finders, you were made for these times. The rebels. The ones who won’t conform, back down or step aside. The ones who were not born to fit in but to gloriously stand out. We are the ones who are here to be midwives of the genuine, to think outside the box. Who Dance even though we may not know how. The ones who raise their voices to the heavens even though they don’t always know the words. The ones who dare to be open, to feel, to love and to live. We are the Ones who follow the North Star etched upon our spirit. The magical, the mystical and the misunderstood. The wise ones who move between the shadows and the light. The stargazers, the storm-chasers and the Old Souls who walk this Earth. Take it personally – Here’s to All of  US!

We are at the precipice in an awakened state to transform ourselves. And in doing that we are transforming and making a world new again. We now have come to learn that crisis ignites evolution. We are all fully experiencing the greatest adventure in human history – conscious evolution. In going through this, as the scientist, Bruce Lipton writes, “We are now forced to let go and shed that image that we were victims and now we evolve from passive victims to responsible co-creators.  We must cultivate the confidence of knowing who we truly are.”

We have all been Broken Open in some Divine way!  Whether we use the pain and trauma to grow or remain victims is the question? Moreover, when asked in the future ‘How did you make it through your most challenging experiences’, how will you respond? Through crisis we cultivate the strength, courage and resilience to stay the course and move through challenging times so we can manifest our dreams. The Universe has provided us with this time-line to let go of what no longer serves so we can create the space for all the new and upcoming energies that this cycle and all the planetary alignments are offering us.

We are at a turning point in all of our relationships. Especially the one with ourselves!  The more resilient we become enables us to embrace more and more changes in our life. We now have the potential to create a new normal that is making it possible to thrive beyond our wildest dreams. However, the one key we require to unlock that door is that we have to be willing to change our perspective of who and what we are. Many are still unaware of their own power and that we have now become the bridge between heaven and earth. The essential and necessary revolution must happen within ourselves. What’s more, everything depends on our attitude – our attitude toward ourselves. It’s an inside job. If we don’t go within, we go without! It is essential for all of us to no longer diminish ourselves and claim ourselves it a new way, not judging, feeling we should be this or that, to sing a new song, create a different story. What is your new sound-track going to feel and sound like?  This new way of being not only transforms ourselves but everyone and everything that is all around us. It is that simple. Are you ready to step into your power? To say yes to the yes in you!

If we wish to see the world as bigger and better, a greater place, we must affirm the reality of a bigger and better being within ourselves. It is the ultimate purpose of why we are here. How can we expand into the Divine being we are? We must readjust ourselves to know we deserve everything!  We are the Ones that can only make the change. And, what we tell ourselves about ourselves will make all the difference. If we don’t change nothing does – we will always be the same.

Even though the Phoenix is Rising, I believe no matter what will come – no matter how harsh, challenging or uncomfortable, we will prevail!  Even though on the outside there are multiple reasons why we could be feeling much fear, pain and uncertainty, I want to share a different perspective – one that isn’t always user friendly. I believe with all my heart that my challenges happened for a reason. Not because I am a bad person, on the contrary, because I Am good and loved and that the Universe/Spirit wanted me to go through these experiences for my highest good. This is part of my Soul’s blueprint to grow. To evolve. I’ve found when I want to avoid (pain and discomfort), wishing it away, it only grew stronger. Pain is here to teach us the lessons we need in order to learn and grow.  We are all here to learn how to Love. We do it usually through health, wealth and or relationships. This is how and why we are meant to go through pain. It is here to show us where we are out of alignment with our Divine Self.

In the corridor between two eclipses, the energies are intense. To experience any form of transformation, first we must be willing to cross that river of change and free ourselves from all limiting beliefs.  For myself, the last few years gave me the luxury of time to reflect and inquire on what I value most. What do I want to do with my One and Precious Life? My legacy. Digging deeper into my shadow side, I realized who and what I AM, surrendered control to how I thought things should be and began allowing all the parts of me to be recognized. Unpacking all that is known as my smaller self, I began to have compassion for all my parts. Unpacking all that has been hidden from myself, knowing who I am and how I wished to serve I was broken open and was graced to receive the gift of new and infinite possibilities. To experience myself in new ways I AM becoming free!

The first step is to be open to the possibility that change is going to do us good! Change for me is not only the hardest thing I ever had to do, it is also the most freeing thing I ever did! Our souls don’t care if we are uncomfortable, inconvenienced or upset. Our souls are always steering us in the right direction for our highest good. We are all in that gestation period giving birth to our new world/reality. That’s why if we let go of the reigns and surrender to what is, we can allow ourselves to trust and be guided by the Amazing Grace the ecstatic energy that is carrying us on angelic wings!