by Marcy Heller
The main thing is the main thing and that is for all of us to now focus on building our spiritual infrastructure. This is not about endings, it’s about being present in the Now, accepting all the chaos, dramas and challenges, so we can collectively give birth and create a different humanity, while not losing ourselves and our ability to dream a different reality that is trying to come into our existence! Even in the midst of all the tensions and struggles to pioneer the renewal of our life and the lives of others!
When asked about the world at large, Michael Meade was quoted as saying the word ‘liminal’ (relating to a transitional or initial stage of a process), comes to mind. In anthropology, liminality is the quality of ambiguity or disorientation that occurs in the middle stage of a rite of passage, when participants no longer hold their pre-ritual status but have not yet begun the transition to the status they will hold when the rite is complete. For all of us we are at the threshold. We are individually and collectively in-between worlds!
If you are reading these Musings, you too are probably being Initiated to heal and serve others from your own healing experience. Ultimately it means your Higher Self/Spirit keeps calling you to awaken further. When we change enough, the people around us also change. Hence, as the adage goes, “When the student is ready, the teacher appears!”
Awakening, as many of you know, is not always pleasant. Our deepest wounds and shadows become the path to freeing ourselves of our own mind, where limited beliefs and fears have planted themselves since the beginning of time! Consequently, the result being you may feel even more frightened, which is perfectly understandable, since our monkey mind is fearful of fully allowing anything in that in any way was different that what we had known before. Our smaller self or ‘ego’ always wants to protect us and can’t handle life’s uncertainties. Moreover, our Higher Self/Spirit always wants more for us and doesn’t care if we are inconvenienced by life’s confusions! It will always move forward with our destiny of ‘why we came here in the first place.’ Living and aligning with our Soul’s purpose is not only our true path, it is the most profound thing we could ever do while here in earth school!
Now at the precipice, assisted by fast and incredible new frequencies, we are invited to continue to course-correct and make powerful new choices that will create the foundation for our new life/world!
Simply put, our deep discomfort physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually is the result of adjusting to our new world. Why do we all feel anxious? After the last 4 years we are literally feeling the weight of not only our own anxiety, but the collective consciousness as well. We are all submerged in a liminal state. Since we can no longer handle or figure out things the way we once did before the Pandemic, since that world has left us with a huge space to fill up as we wish. Especially since nature abhors a vacuum! As we continue to cross the river of change and despite feeling the weight of the world on our shoulders, rest assured that in surrendering without resisting, we can break through and shift into our new superhuman design. After all, aren’t we the Miracle Manifestors creating our new world moment-to-moment!
Perhaps, you too may have felt at one time or another that you were being punished in this lifetime for being your own authentic self. However, this is a different time, and now the playing field has changed as we become the new super-humans. It is truly a paradox, because our greatest challenge/trauma can be our most precious gift. My trauma brought me my life’s purpose.
Spiritual activist and author, Andrew Harvey once wrote three words that can change a life, “Follow your heartbreak.” What had torn me down the most put me on the path of my true calling. I would probably have never known the joy, honor and appreciation I receive from writing these musings to you week after week. We cannot ascend until we whole-hardheartedly feel and heal the pain of where and when we have descended. In order to celebrate our ascension, we must first mourn and feel the grief, the experience of our descent and/or dark night of the soul!
We don’t grow because of the obstacles in our lives, we grow from them. The time has come for all of us to heal our lives, aligning with our hearts and follow our intuition from there.
We now have at our fingertips so many new tools and techniques to up-grade and reboot ourselves as we are breaking the habits of being our old selves. As the poet K. Tolnoe writes, “This world is full of moving miracles. Mountains to climb. Oceans to swim. Cities to see. But you’ll never feel any of it if you’re afraid of the heights of your own dreams. The depth of your own soul. Or the beating of your own heart. For this world is a miracle. But you will not see it until you realize that you are one yourself.”
As we stand on the brink of a new way of being, according to astrologer Lorna Bevan, “This is a moment of great possibility and also high stakes when the old slips away into the ethers and the new is poised in immanence.”
Moreover, it is essential that we use our awareness into anchoring a new state of receivership. We are currently in the midst of a collective rite of passage that involves the destiny of humanity and the fate of life on earth. The universe always wants more for us than we can want for ourselves. Since our own self-resurrection is where we need to focus on at this time, ending the separation inside ourselves and come into a state of self-acceptance, these tools are our life-boats for our sanity and for our soul. I invite you to continue to keep asking the Divine to reveal herself to you in whatever form you may need in that moment. Moreover, please call upon me if you would like to have your own mystical reading and create the infrastructure aligning to your Soul’s Plan as we keep treading these uncharted waters. We got this!!!