by Marcy Heller
“When the world is in turmoil, it’s time to go fugitive, to slow down and receive rather than impose, to feel rather than think. That way, we’ll be ready when it’s time to break out of our limiting belief systems -because breaking out of our limited understandings is what it will take” – Carolyn North
Dearest Courageous Spiritual Warriors,
With everything revving up this week more than ever Spirit is calling us to Rise! On that note, as we continue on this wonderful sensational path of Self-Mastery, once you let go of the illusion that things should be different from the way they are and live in the ‘now is all there is’ energy, you begin to take a breath and just Be! Simply, because it has taken for many of us all this time to get to that point! There is nothing to do, no where to go other than ‘Be Here Now!’ Moreover, it could be the most amazing time for you to start being the new You and live more fully. Nothing is as it was. We can’t raise our children the way we were brought up simply because that world doesn’t even exist anymore.
Every time we are not in the moment and judging what is we are creating there is more pain for ourselves. When we resist anything there is suffering. It is pushing again the tide/flow. We are not going with the flow of what is. There in lies the rub. There’s the pain. And, pain just hurts.
These times have brought so many sudden changes, shocks and challenges as well as so many opportunities for doing things differently now that we are beginning to believe that we are being the Masters of our Universe. I AM learning it isn’t what we think, or even what we ask for that creates the manifestation of our actions-it is who we are. According to Sara Langdon and her enlightened Counsel, everything we do as we co-create our new world is based on energy. The energy of what we are putting out there. That energy is drawing to us everything we experience. Of course, our intention and worthiness to receive is also a great barometer for allowing what does come in to our lives as well. The great news is when we change our consciousness we change our world! If we want to create heaven on earth we don’t have to entangle in lower creations of consciousness any more. Everything is an extension of ourselves. When we choose lack, separation, struggle, and judgment, all exists in a lower level of consciousness. When we focus on any of the above it is always going to take us out of heaven on earth! Just allow this information to expand. Integrate what ever resonates and trust what you will create. It is simple, just not easy!
The acclaimed Ms. Lorna Bevan writes:
“2020 is bringing about sudden and complete change. A moment in our collective time that is permanently closing the door on a familiar past. This shift is taking us all on to a new time-line so radically different that we will be struggling to grasp what’s happened to our world and to develop the skills to live in our new reality. As the waves from the epochal Saturn/Pluto Conjunction hit downstream, through the ravages of climate change and the panic over an unknown virus, we are getting a real-time test of how fragile the world is-its delicate systems, its economy, its communities – just as our health systems have been systematically stripped to the bone and our support systems dismantled.
This week’s astrology is a perfect example of the phrase:” Everything is over-formed”, meaning that there is never just one simple cause and effect but multiple influences leading to an event or outcome.
The seismic storm window opens on Thursday March 5th ahead of the Super Full Moon next Tuesday March 9th. At the same time, Mercury kicks up a Trickster storm as he slows to turn direct at the Super Moon. 24 hours earlier, the Sun makes his annual conjunction with shape shifter Neptune right on the Super Moon degree of 19 Pisces.
With Neptune-symbol of pandemics- being triggered by a Super Full Moon and aligned with Saturn/Pluto/Jupiter/Mars-expect an increase in the Covid 19 virus numbers worldwide along with fear mongering, disinformation and widespread rumors.
The virus is more likely to impact our systems than you personally so make preparations now while Mercury is retrograde. When Saturn enters Aquarius in 3 weeks, restricted air travel looks likely along with an acceleration of virus spread at the Equinox and into early April at the first Jupiter/Pluto conjunction.
Stay on your Witness perch, keep your perspective and remember that fear is as contagious as the virus itself. Make your sanctuary- which you’ve been creating for the last 18 months during the Cancer/Capricorn eclipses- your base camp.”
Today, stay in your integrity with your higher self. Be who you truly are. It will light the way for you. And, if you don’t get a “hell yes!” know it’s a “hell no!” All of this is available only in the present moment. Our minds are only going to limit us. Moreover, by staying in your hearts and by being your beautiful selves you are making it easier for all of us to ascend and be lifted up. Thank you for being a catalyst and container for peace, love and beauty. Each of you is part of the whole and so needed. As Archangel Michael decrees, “Beloveds, shine your light for all to see. Call on us, and we will assist you in every way! You are Loved.” I love you madly. Have a gorgeous week.