by Marcy Heller

“Another world is not only possible,she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.” – Arundhati Roy

At this incredible time of history I have come to realize we must let go of the word ‘struggle’ and now become the Spiritual Warriors – to know that the future is in our own hands.

I know sometimes life can seem very unfair especially if you limit yourself to just being human. However, once you know what is correct, which is that you are both human and Divine, we stop denying ourselves and allow ourselves to be open to receive. With all these new portals opening up and allowing this new frequency of energy to flow in and around us there is a new knowing and we realize that Spirit is never absent and is always present with and around us!

We are at the tipping point of surrendering to ourselves. Once you expand and amplify this new awakening, a new level of awareness, you begin to experience more joy, more celebration and gratitude. We learn to receive what is eternally being given in every moment knowing that life is full of infinite potential. In each moment you become a living embodiment of all that you are practicing. It becomes integrated in our Souls and we can stay in the higher vibrations for longer periods of time.  The more you practice this lifestyle the more it becomes integrated in your Soul. You begin to go into thanksgiving for your life. You feel the presence everywhere. Everything is energy and when you take responsibility for your life you realize that everything is happening for us and not to us! According to the brilliant teacher, Michael Beckwith, “We get, we let and then we share.”

Start to be aware of your feelings. Use it as a road map. Our previous thoughts become emotions. They are so very valuable in our evolutionary process. We stop our own evolution when we suppress or repress anything that we resist. What’s more, eventually it’s going to be transmuted in some way, some how.  We have to allow the unconscious to become conscious. Once these emotions come to the surface we can feel it and heal it. There is always a message waiting for ears and eyes that are yearning. You can start feeling, knowing and decreeing that “My life is a good life.” That I AM a temple of infinite health. I experience abundant prosperity, enormous joy, unconditional love and in every moment I am living abundantly.  Playing it small just doesn’t work anymore! It’s time for us to gather ourselves from within and become the authors of our own lives!
Even with all these changes happening now, know you have a destination. We must keep our eyes wide open and our heads high – do not give up. We have been given our ‘get out of jail card’. Time to let go, forgive and delete the imprints that have been embedded in us since we have been in the wombs of our Mothers. In a nutshell this is why you are here. This is our work!

We are all at the precipice of creating something new. The stars are demanding that we disengage from the past so we can radically change our life 360 degrees around and create a new self-sustaining universe from the inside out.

What’s blazing inside of us is more magnificent and powerful than anything or anyone outside of us.  However, as we have spoken about in the past the most challenging energy we will encounter is breaking the habit of being our old selves! It takes perseverance and courage to begin aligning with our Divine self rather than the mind or ego. Up until now we have lived with our human brain endlessly dictating and controlling us through our fear and flight response to survive. Once we begin building trust in our inner reality and align ourselves with the Divine it becomes so natural since that is who we truly are. Realizing this, we uncover the treasure within us, that we already are what we seek, which is Divine Love – the source of our own Being. Once we begin to live at that level be ready to expect miracles!
By living your life authentically, experiencing and expressing who you are and refusing to compromise what you know in your heart, you are uplifting humanity. Your inner state will encourage others so that all those lives you touch wind up experiencing their own highest ability as well. With all the tests, initiations and less than loving experiences surrounding us through our self-selecting options we can begin to choose the Divine – to choose our Souls over our fear-based egos. That ‘higher being’ in all of us.

If you are seeking Miracles, you are in the right place! Fall in Love with your Life and with yourself. Our light and wisdom must prevail so that we can pass it on to others. The Divine knows who you are and will support you every step of the way. We are born into this universe as Light and then life happens. Transcending this illusion is the work! The more you focus on truly loving yourself the more you are open to creating big Miracles! Especially since Love makes the world go round. My wish for everyone is this; at the end of the day to make the main thing the main thing and that is how much did you love yourself and others?

Whatever transition you are going through the more you can step into knowing your I AM presence will bring so much more clarity to you and all the hearts you touch. Know the more you can keep sharing this reality with others the more you can help tip the scale on a critical mass.

When we move beyond our challenges, our limitations, our doubts and our fears and do the things that we really know we should do, we create Miracles. Everything that is not in alignment and conflicts with divine love and light patterns are disappearing so we can reflect oneness, perfection and reverence with all of life. Everything mixed with fear, corruption, greed and the inability to honor one another is coming to the surface to be exposed so we can transform it and all of our divine potential can reign. We must all now stand in our own authority and mid-wife what is uniquely individual for each of us. All life benefits when we can love whatever is happening. Especially when it is coming from the core of who we are. Nothing is more important then for this transformation to occur so that we can live our life fully from the place of our own true north. When I opened up to what is and surrendered to my fate everything started to change!

May 2020 be the gateway to step into the unknown and create the most magnificent, magical and mysterious future memories that you will never forget! I so believe that the universe is a field of limitless, abundant and infinite possibilities. What’s more so are We! By bridging consciousness with Divine Wisdom and Love we can all create the most fantastic, joyful and miraculous experiences and live the life we were born to live! Let’s get this party going and begin to start a world-wide movement to offset the outrageous pain with outrageous Divine Love..Let’s all become our own Happiness idol.

Blessings to each of you during this Holiday Season of Love and Light…May this holiday season bring you abundant Blessings of infinite health, joy and abundance. Make the Light that shines from within and without illuminate you so much that you are the One that everyone feels lucky when you walk into the room. Let’s hold the vision for more dreams coming true for us all in 2020, most importantly peace on earth and a world that works for Everyone! Each and every One of Us represents the change that will help our planet thrive into this new future where we can manifest a new, sustainable, peace-filled and loving universe. You are infinite potential.  We have not come here to learn. We have come here to remember who we Truly are.