Congratulations. We made it! We have all come so far and have come to know that by changing our internal circumstances we are so much more capable of changing our attitude towards any of our external circumstances. To know that how we think and feel is going to determine our state of being, not judging, criticizing or abandoning ourselves, we can stay present in our hearts, living in the infinite possibilities of creation, rather then letting emotions or fear dictate our thoughts.
The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any. That was certainly true for me. It is taking great discipline for me to make the changes I realize I must commit to in order to find my way back to Myself! The bottom line is that our essential task is to awaken to that eternal world within and stop caring about what others will think of us. Instead we must navigate our lives from the inside out and listen to our Soul as it speaks through us.
The New Age Is behind us. What is left in its wake is a whole new wonderful world governed by our spirit, intuition and Divine Love. Our creative life-force driven by Divine Love is creating Self-Mastery more rapidly than we ever could have imagined. Yes, there are further steps to climb, maybe even steeper ones; however, this road less traveled is bringing us a new ownership for a new way of living that now belongs to those who dare to be different. To change our thoughts, false perceptions and limited beliefs. As Yoda says, “Do or do not. There is no try.” And, I promise if you believe you can, you most certainly can! Moreover, there is no use going back to yesterday, because we were different people then. It is that simple. It’s not easy but once you step outside the box of who you thought you were as Alice in Wonderland says, “Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”
I cannot emphasize this enough. When we move beyond our challenges, our limitations, our doubts and our fears and do the things that we really know we should do, we create Miracles. Everything that is not in alignment and conflicts with Divine Love and light patterns are disappearing so we can reflect oneness, perfection and reverence with all of life. Everything mixed with fear, corruption, greed and the inability to honor one another is coming to the surface to be exposed so we can transform it and all of our divine potential can reign. We must all now stand in our own authority and mid-wife what is uniquely individual for each of us. All life benefits when we can love whatever is happening. Especially when it is coming from the core of who we are. Nothing is more important then for this transformation to occur so that we can live our life fully from the place of our own true north. When I opened up to what is and surrendered to my fate everything changed.
Remember, how we used to dream as children? I AM feeling that wonderment again. I have more hope, confidence and excitement than ever before. Hopefully, for all of us our lives are now showing signs of something bigger, newer and greater. We all seem to be blooming again. We have all been reborn in some way, we have all been changed in some way, and it is now time for us to let go of the past, to let go of who we once were, and to start building on the new. We have to take the new beginning we have been given and now look for ways to integrate it into our lives for the better. Choose the most beautiful, blissful, loving and satisfying reality possible. We are the dreamers! Let your imagination soar! Become spiritually naked and from a place of love and beauty take your light and illuminate it far and wide into the world. Your heart will expand and open wider than ever before, your divine destiny will be revealed and your soul will simply soar. For nothing is more precious nor more profoundly powerful then for us to transform and transcend and to become the evolution of Divine Love itself. What’s more, even though there may be new paths to forge ahead in this new world, it belongs to those of us who are pioneering something so great within while loving ourselves. We were hard-wired for this and nothing is going to stop us now. May 2019 be the gateway to step into the unknown and create the most magnificent, magical and mysterious memories that we will never forget! I so believe that the universe is a field of limitless, abundant and infinite possibilities and so are we! By bridging consciousness with Divine Wisdom and Love we can all create the most fantastic, joyful and miraculous experiences and live the life we were born to live! Let’s get this party going and begin to start a world-wide movement to offset the outrageous pain with outrageous Divine Love..Let’s all become our own Happiness idol.
Blessings to each of you during this Holiday Season of Love and Light…may the New Year bring you Blessings of infinite health, joy and abundance. Let’s hold the vision for more dreams coming true for us all in 2019, most importantly peace on earth and a world that works for everyone! See you next year. Until then, know I love you madly. Have the best holiday season ever! You are my heroes!