by Marcy Heller

Everything that no longer serves us is being removed, including the shedding of people, places and things. The time for being our own midwives and re-birthing into the truth of who we truly are is upon us. Even though we have the answers within, this is not always easily accomplished. However, the good news is as we release these shadows and emotions, we create the space to raise our frequencies higher.

We are being called to hold greater levels of life force in these incredible, transformational and challenging times.  True ascension is all about merging our higher selves with our physical selves. All of this is accomplished by raising our vibrations. Balancing body, mind and spirit.

It seems there are two realities playing out. For many of us, the fear factor is being amplified. However, instead of choosing fear, the other option, choosing to flourish no matter what the outcome may be is the path of self-mastery!  Nietzsche wrote, “Whatever your fate is, whatever the hell happens, you say, ‘This is what I need.’ It may look like a wreck, but go at it as though it were an opportunity, a challenge. If you bring love to that moment—not discouragement— you will find the strength is there. Any disaster you can survive is an improvement in your character, your stature, and your life. What a privilege! This is when the spontaneity of your own nature will have a chance to flow.”

Yes, the times they are a changin’. Even though the energies are intense right now, that does not mean there isn’t wonder and magic, mysticism, light and love – for all of those energies are amplified as well. Since many of us are being called to work with higher frequencies, it is imperative that we first build our base from within. To connect with higher dimensions, we have to let go of the old and what is weighing us down so we have the capacity/space to hold the universal light and frequencies they are made of.  We must become a bridge for heaven and earth so we can receive wisdom and gifts from the higher realms and ultimately become a vessel of light!  The Light is your Power!

As we individually and collectively cross the river of change, now more than ever we are in need our own sage advice and inner compass so we don’t lose our way within the tremendous influx of fear, doubt and uncertainty that seems to be permeating our planet.

So many of us are feeling so many emotions rising to the surface and getting our attention so we can heal those ancestral traumas from our lives. (If we don’t feel it, we can’t heal it!) Resistance is a sign that you’re about to grow spiritually. Instead of resisting and recognizing those shadow parts of ourselves, we dare bravely to keep moving forward. We are here to make an impact. When we live through our Expanded Selves instead of our Contracted Selves we grow, ascend and evolve.

Take your toolbox and use all the tools available to you. Learn about surrendering to what we cannot change. Also, when the storm passes, each of you will be very important in the reconstruction of this new world. For us to make an impact, we need to be well and strong. And, for that, there is no other way than to maintain a beautiful, happy and bright vibration. Everything is energy. We don’t attract by what we want, we attract by who we are! When we begin facing our shadow side and crossing those portals, we get to know ourselves from a different perspective, a new vision of our world. Once we lose our baggage and become lighter, we allow ourselves to to through the eye of the needle, having faced our fears and difficulties, thus healing them.

Thank you for continuing to walk the path of love. Even though these energies seem to be intense at times, there are so many ways in each moment we can still choose the higher road. Always remember, just keep imagining there are more ways for the universe to surprise and delight you than you can ever imagine! Know that you have the capacity to seek love, beauty and perfection even in some of the most imperfect moments. Go to a higher place and make a shift in your perception. With our minds, we are limited, when we raise our frequencies we move out of our head and into our open precious hearts! Being spiritual is not about doing, it’s about consciousness. It is being aware in each moment what we are tuning into and focusing on.

Every breakthrough happens when we stop running from ourselves. Finding your way back to your center may be a full-time job. However, remembering who you are and what you came here to be is the most profound thing you can do while on this earth plane. Precious things are very few in this world. That is the reason there is just ONE YOU!  Have a wonderful February and May your cup continue to overflow with more peace, love and magic! Until next time.