by Marcy Heller

As the phoenix is rising now more than ever, our Spirits are calling for us to Rise up too! After all, we are all healing balloons and the only way is UP!

We are learning that the world is not just random. Our higher selves are not only meaningful, but compassionate and wise. This is all new territory as we stand with one foot in the old consciousness and the other in the new consciousness. Everything is coming up for us to remove whatever is a lie, so we can transcend old beliefs.

Collectively and independently we are all grieving for what we have lost. Navigating the pain in letting go of limiting beliefs is not for the faint of heart. To paraphrase the teacher Kyle Cease, any pain that we have ever had is just about a thought that we decided to believe.  Consequently, we become so focused on so many thoughts that just cause us pain. We became so lost in the story of our lives and then became prisoners of our own beliefs.

The truth is, you have something deeper inside that is moving you. When we tap into that place of knowing, a new level of freedom is available for all of us. The new consciousness is simply doing what we love, because who we are is love!  With no agenda, without trying to please anything or anyone outside of ourselves. When we are in our hearts we are free to just BE. We are creativity and ceaseless joy. We feel whole. When we are aligned with our higher selves, miracles happen.  When we can step out of our minds and connect with that inner guidance, our Souls are free to create more for us than we could ever imagine.

Yes, it is our time to write a New Story.

The teacher Richard Gordon, wrote in his book, ‘Hacking the Law of Attraction‘,  “Everything we do as we co-create our new world is based on the energy of what we are putting out there. That energy is drawing to us everything we experience. Of course, our intention and worthiness to receive is also a great barometer for allowing what does come in to our lives as well. The great news is that when we change our consciousness we change our world! If we want to create heaven on earth we can’t entangle ourselves in the lower creations of consciousness any more. Everything is an extension of ourselves. When we choose lack, separation, struggle, and judgment, all exists in a lower level of consciousness. When we focus on any of the above it is always going to take us out of heaven on earth! Just allow this information to expand. Integrate whatever resonates and trust what you will create. It is simple, it just isn’t easy.  We don’t progress until we learn to make things right. This can be a very difficult concept to accept if your life has been filled with much suffering. In time, with enough growth, it can become self-evident. This was probably the most challenging belief for me that shifted. It involved letting go of all feelings of being a victim and it opened me to a profound sense of gratitude and a deeper understanding of the miraculous synchronicity of this world. If you let the concept in, the reality is not happening to us, but it is happening for us, the impact of this realization can truly be life-changing.”

I want to take a moment to congratulate all of you reading these Musings. For each of you know how important it is to celebrate who you are and what you are doing. So many of us want to heal. However, as we know, this path to healing isn’t for the faint of heart. So celebrate. You are be-ing the work! Who you are being is the most profound thing you can do with your life. Take each day by exploring and learning who and what you truly are. You are letting your Soul lead by doing what it needs to do to ascend.

What is happening now is the Planetary Awakening. The journey of a thousand miles! You are getting to know who you are and why you are here.

How many of us have asked? When is it going to end? When will Mercury go direct? Ascension is a process. It has no beginning and certainly not an ending that I know of. It is our unfolding story that is happening every day. It is our adventure into the unknown, which will always keep moving and getting better even when it doesn’t feel like it is. Moreover, the irony is that even in the darkest moments, the more grateful we are, no matter what is going, on the more you will awaken to receive whatever is next for your Highest Self. Or something even better!

As we are moving into uncharted territory, we are pioneering a new frontier unlike anybody before us. We are becoming who we truly are so we can live the truest version of ourselves. As Meggan Watterson wrote, “Descent is not about finding light but about going into the darkness and befriending it. If we remain there long enough, it takes on its own luminosity. It will reveal everything!”

In moving forward on our journey of Self-Mastery, remember, you have a wealth of assets that you you must re-discover. True abundance is a choice that we make in each moment. Many of you can feel the splitting between the higher and lower vibrations. Since we were born to be deliberate creators, even though at times it’s painful, the amount of disconnection is creating the space for bringing in new people, places, things, and opportunities to manifest. Get into the mindset of looking for possibilities instead of problems. I know that in digging deeper you too will discover your infinite value. Nothing in life can remain stagnant and innovation is the key word on this planet right now! The possibilities are here waiting for us to co-create with them. They want to destroy your old beliefs, raise the bar, and change paradigms. The only thing stopping the flow is old lifelong patterns and habits that don’t support and inspire the highest you. I know from experience, as I step into a new dimension of limitless possibilities, my life flows so much better with ease and grace.

Even though it may feel very scary, it can also be very exciting. This is the work we do. It is not about being passive. It’s about doing the work, digging deeper inside yourself, realizing that you have had the answers all along. You are the Power and the Light. You are the Light Leaders of the Ascension! That is why they call us light-workers. Because it is work! Being spiritual is not always easy. The price it comes with is often time and effort. Moreover, the real work during this transformation is to stop judging ourselves. Instead, make room for everything. Giving birth can be messy. We are in the gestation period, transforming and creating our newer Selves. As we stay in our hearts and keep choosing love, our Souls pave the way for us to follow those gluten-free breadcrumbs!

The law of attraction says that anything is possible. It will also keep reminding us that we are always manifesting the sum of our virtues, attitudes, thoughts, feelings and beliefs. Therefore, it is essential to keep reminding ourselves of what we want to focus on, since all of our judgments will most likely come back to haunt us. What we bless, blesses us back, and what we damn, damns us back. By focusing that I AM more Joy, Love and Abundance, we can discover a brilliant new compass and experience what life is trying to tell us.