by Marcy Heller

What is standing before us as we are crossing the river of change is to realize that the world that we had been living in and was known to us in the past is completely being reconstructed in a new way. In this process, we who are aware of being at that precipice of transmuting, reorganizing and reforming ourselves must elevate ourselves at a higher vibration if we are to progress on our evolutionary journey individually. With the passing of the latest eclipses that are impacting us more than we could ever imagine it’s a perfect storm for bringing up everything so we can feel it to heal it.

Call me crazy, but it seems that the majority of us are experiencing massive life changes. The potential for creating and experiencing ourselves in new ways is far greater than ever before, as old doors are closing so that the space for newer higher vibrational opportunities open up.

By no means this is not for the faint of heart. Creating our newer selves demands that we fill ourselves up first with more love, compassion and joy. However, first we have to dig up whatever shadows are looming within us before we can shower all of that juicy love and compassion on ourselves. Forgiving ourselves is a good start. By allowing all our parts to stay present, our wise and loving guidance can come forth so we don’t lose focus during the tremendous influx of fear, doubt and uncertainty that is continuing to permeate our planet.

The Buddhist teacher John Welwood coined the phrase “spiritual bypassing”, which in his own words, “trying to rise above the raw and messy side of our humanness before we have fully faced and made peace with it.” We want to be loving, kind and compassionate spiritual beings and forget our humanity. It’s like shooting ourselves in the foot. I can go on and on and the cliff note version is to not to suppress our feelings. Allow all those parts of ourselves to be seen and heard. By avoiding the darkness those demons don’t go away. They will keep coming up louder until they get our attention.  As Jeff  Foster wrote, “We don get to be perfect, but we get to be real…and that’s the greatest prize of all”!

Giving birth to a new world demands we participate in the creation of new and mindful forms of spiritual practice as we shift our consciousness. As we go from fear and uncertainty to letting go of what has weighed us down, we cultivate the energy at a newer quantum level so we can express our Higher Selves, who are waiting in the wings to show up and be present! When you have the intention to ascend, even in some of he most challenging moments we can be totally present, while opening up to the infinite possibilities. This is not only how we grow, this is how we begin seeing and experiencing ourselves in a higher vibration. In a new way!

In the book ‘Alchemy’, channeled by Paul Selig, he states, “You came to realize—through encounter, through opportunity, perhaps through obstacle—the truth of who and what you are that exists beyond the shell, beyond the mask of personality that you have claimed as you. Now, because you are choosing to be born—and, in fact, you have chosen—you must understand that the True Self as you, who knows who he is, will always claim the opportunity for growth that is before him. Now, some of you decide when you are born that there will be a testament to the life that has been lived. You have come for a specific reason, to bring forth a specific quality, to know the self through certain encounters. And you must understand that each of you who comes, in his or her own way, is contributing to the whole by nature of your presence here. As the Divine informs each aspect of self, each aspect of self is called into being in a higher way.”

Our journeys are not as much about the goal; it’s about staying present in the now.  Focusing on what is happening instead of making it about the destination is what the quest is all about. In this new world, it’s all about eclipsing our immediate needs and making it more important to become the most conscious, aware human beings. This means acting with courage, no longer prioritizing outer harmony over our personal desires, even when we are feeling the most challenged. It is not about trying to make logical sense of a world that is full of uncertainty. It is about knowing that the light within you is greater than all the darkness that seems to be permeating our planet.

On the path of Self-mastery, we are creators of our reality. Understand that everything exists to bring our attention to what frequency we are vibrating at. Similar to a radio, what station are you broadcasting? What frequency are you expressing to the universe? What are you tuning into? Your Soul and Spirit are vast creative aspects of yourself with infinite wisdom expressing themselves with every thought, word and action. As things continue to shift, we can be the creators or the victims in this movie of Life. It is up to us!

I have shared this before and this timely message is worth repeating from White Eagle, “You were prepared to go through this crisis. Take your toolbox and use all the tools available to you. Learn about resistance of the indigenous and African peoples: we have always been and continue to be exterminated. But we still haven’t stopped singing, dancing, lighting a fire and having fun. Don’t feel guilty about being happy during this difficult time. You do not help at all being sad and without energy. You help if good things emanate from the Universe now. It is through joy that one resists. Also, when the storm passes, each of you will be very important in the reconstruction of this new world. You need to be well and strong. And, for that, there is no other way than to maintain a beautiful, happy and bright vibration. This has nothing to do with alienation. This is a resistance strategy. In shamanism, there is a rite of passage called the quest for vision. You spend a few days alone in the forest, without water, without food, without protection. When you cross this portal, you get a new vision of the world, because you have faced your fears, your difficulties.”

These times have brought so many sudden changes, shocks and challenges as well as so many opportunities for doing things differently. We are so much more adaptable to change than we ever thought. Know at this auspicious time that there are infinite possibilities. Anything and Everything is possible. Take pause, you are your own magical wand. You are beloved. You are needed. You are the living proof that the Divine Love exists!