by Marcy Heller

In the beginning was the word! Whatever story we are telling ourselves is how we are exercising and playing out our magic! This is how the Divine is communicating with us. This is how we can stay tethered to our Light! The psychic hot line within ourselves is the greatest gift ever devised by the G-ds so we can keep moving forward according to our Soul’s Blueprint and find our True North in these very transcendental times. This is one of our biggest responsibilities being on a spiritual journey today. To be anchored to the Light and expanding to our fullest potential, we are releasing all we are not, to finally become all that we are!

As humans, it is difficult to learn something new since we have been so tethered to how we have been taught. The thought of changing just scares us. It may feel familiar because staying present means we have to trust, since we don’t know what’s on the other side and accountability, pain, suffering, responsibility, and staying in integrity scares us. However, when we start to be true to ourselves and be authentic, we receive our own love and respect. When we stop abandoning ourselves and say ‘Yes’ to the ‘Yes’ in Us, we get to stay in joy! This is called freedom! It’s Amore!

Everything is coming up to the surface to be resurrected. We are currently in the corridor of two eclipses. Eclipses are equivalent to full moons on steroids! The next eclipse is a lunar eclipse on October 2, 2024. Eclipse cycles are not for the faint of heart. We are reformatting our relationships, especially with ourselves. Everything is coming up to be re-known, re-calibrated and re-organized in a new higher vibration. We are ascending to a higher frequency as we are being up-leveled. Hold on to your seat belts as we are taking quantum leaps on so many different levels.

Our true self knows, and what we are seeking is to know what the true self knows! To know who we are, what we do and how we serve. As Lightworkers, we are also doing our shadow work. It’s by integrating our shadows with our light that we can merge the two and have a more holistic healing within our bodies, mind and spirit. In a world made new, it is essential that we empower ourselves. We did not come here to be victims. What’s more, once we heal ourselves, we heal our entire family line and our descendants after us. There isn’t anything more profound than doing this work!

We are evolving and developing the capacity to perceive and manifest almost instantly. We are transforming in every possible way. We are living in the most extraordinary time of rebirth and transformation. Evolution is not a walk in the park. It seems that we are facing our demons to break through, find that soft place inside and let go of the old so we can burst into new creations. Rebirth is the new paradigm, and we are doing it with such bravado, grace and courage. It’s a time that can only be compared to when people thought the world was flat (although some still do!). No matter how they argued or wanted to believe it – no matter how hard they tried to keep that reality alive, the truth of reality was different!

The essential revolution must happen within ourselves. If we wish to see the world as bigger and better, a greater place, we must affirm the reality of a bigger and better being within ourselves. It is the ultimate purpose of why we are here. We must readjust ourselves to know we deserve everything! We are the Ones that can only make the change. And, what we tell ourselves about ourselves will make all the difference! As Eckert Tolle brilliantly wrote, “When you get the inside right, the outside will fall into place.”

Michael Singer, author of ‘The Un-tethered Soul’ also validated this point, “The mind also receives and renders the world that comes in through the senses. It allows you to experience the outside world and to learn and grow from that experience. The problem is that the mind creates an alternate reality out of thoughts. It is built of the impressions you stored from past experiences you either liked and tried to keep, or could not handle and pushed away. Caught in this fabricated world of thoughts, you are no longer able to see the truth of life because your past personal experiences are prejudicing your mind. Your past likes and dislikes are distorting your perception of the present moment unfolding before you. This further contributes to the building of the personal mind. The whole of spiritual growth is getting comfortable with all moments—the good and the bad. When you are able to do this, you will begin to become free.”

We are all discovering for ourselves that the dissolution and the destruction of the old outworn ideas and illusions does not have to end in hopelessness and despair. Like all deaths, it is opening up and giving us the opportunity to give birth to a new force and a wider and more illuminated presence of the divine within all of us. As Andrew Harvey and Carolyn Baker wrote in their brilliant book, ‘Savage Grace’, “With all that we inevitably have to face and accept, we must never forget what we all somewhere know within ourselves-that joy is the ultimate nature of reality and the fuel for all authentic survival. In the spirit of this joy, we would like to celebrate the infinite wellspring of joy that resides at our core and that cannot be destroyed by the worst agony and the most devastating defeat. From joy all beings have come, by joy they all live, and unto joy they all return.”

And here lies the greatest secret. You are needed. You are the blessing. You are connected to all the magic that has ever come to pass. As never before, you are the Light. Brave souls, shine brightly and know you are the Bearers of Love and Light as you turn your tears and t(error) into triumph for all of humanity. Know you are counted among the constellations. You are, just by blinking, by breathing, the proof that true love exists. Your joy, your misery, your love, your agony, your bliss, lie in your hands. There is a way out. And the way out is in. Do not despair, it is only by turning inward that we can truly create a world of love, light, and laughter. This is the doorway to that universe. Together we are making it happen.

You are living in a dream of your own creation. The only way we are going to eclipse the outrageous pain is with outrageous love. Begin to dream your new world and let it be the dream of a lifetime, for that is exactly what it is. Let us all be radially hopeful as we are breaking open the evolution of love herself. We are rising together. Take pause and know you are so loved. Your light is even more illuminated as we walk the path from darkness to light. There is strength in numbers.