by Marcy Heller

I have shared the meaning of this song before; however, know that beyond language, beyond galaxies, Bob Dylan’s famous album, ‘The Times They are a Changin’ opened with this title track. Dylan later was quoted saying, “This was definitely a song with a purpose.” Fast forward to today. The times are definitely Changing! So as the world turns, how can we individually and collectively stay in harmony with ourselves, and calm so we can carry on?

You may ask, “why is this all happening Now?” According to The Book of Alchemy, to paraphase, the Shift is happening now because we have all asked for it to occur, since the game of the third dimension has been fully played out. Moreover, played out successfully. So now the time has come to bring everything home to higher dimensions. However, not everyone is going home on the same timeline or with ease and grace.

The Shift is clearing away all that we are not. It’s helping us delete all that held our attention that was less than loving and had nothing to do with who we truly are. It’s helping us to rewire our connection with the Divine so we can realign ourselves magically and mystically to finally remember ALL that we are!

Our thoughts created our beliefs in the first place, then our beliefs created habits and habits create our lives. Many of the thoughts we remunerate about are not really ours, but handed down to us from our teachers, parents and siblings, not to mention all those in the third dimensional reality outside of ourselves. For the most part those beings had the best intentions because they loved us, not because they wanted to hurt us. Simply put, they were just passing on what their parents and teachers taught them what was true.

In Awakening now, we are discovering our own authentic truth. We are beginning to realize we are so much more. We are not trying to fit it as we did in the past. We are beginning to learn that we are multi-dimensional beings aligning with our higher truth. In learning to be our authentic selves, we are pioneering our own as never before infrastructure.

Take it personally.  Each one of us is here to play an important role in this incredible transition. We are all learning now to stand in our own authority and mid-wife what is uniquely individual for each of us. Everything mixed with fear, corruption, greed and the inability to honor one another is coming to the surface to be exposed so we can transform it and our divine potential can reign.  Everything that is not in alignment and conflicts with divine love and light patterns are disappearing so we can reflect oneness, perfection and reverence with all of life.

Not only have we been graced with many opportunities through these changing times we are on the verge of something so big. It’s monumental, mystical and magical. We have braved this new world and we can begin to reap the rewards of not only staying alive but thriving as well! Through playing this new game of life we are on our way becoming the miracle manifestors.

Even though you may feel broken, exhausted, down, depressed and just raw from it remember this is why we are here. To anchor the Light! Yes, there is so much repair to be done to weave together a new life and never forget how powerful and resilient you have become from it all. Not to mention kinder, compassionate and much more flexible. We’ve learned how to create a new future rather than live from our past. We learned how to thrive with far fewer resources, We have all gone through basic training and now have our PhD’s in ‘Daring to be brave and hold strong’!  The time has come to focus on who and what we are becoming. Most of us have transformed in more ways then we could have ever imagined.

I invite you to continue immersing yourself in the quantum field of new ideas and innovative paths, imaginatively and energetically. Keep raising your vibration and allow yourself to know the only limitations are the ones we place on ourselves.

In addition to all this, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention in numerology, the 8th day of the 8th month is a highly spiritual and charged time. The number 8 represents infinity – the infinite soul that you are and the infinite journey that you take. After just moving through the Lion’s Gate portal on 8-8-8 (8-8–2024/8), nothing is more important then for this transformation to occur so that we can live our life fully from the place of our own true north.

We are at the precipice of a huge quantum leap. What’s more, with your own unique blueprint, continue to make a choices to stay in the higher vibrations of the archetypes that have been chosen for each one of us from our unique birth charts so we can create greater masterpieces for our life.